Rogue x Dying Reader: Dying Wish

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I sat in the Sabertooth guild hall, at my favourite table, drawing, well, painting a picture. Nothing new. Except, I found out I only have 2 days left to live, I have Leukaemia. It was found to late. I wear a H/C wig to hide my bald head and no one knows about it.

Today I was painting a picture of the Sabertooth guild hall and the surroundings. I was about halfway done until, "Y/N WATCH OUT!!" I heard but I looked up to late and was hit by a airborne Rogue Cheney, the shadow dragon slayer. He quickly got off of me and helped me to my feet. "Sorry, Y/N" he apologised and rubbed the back of his neck, blushing.

'Awwww, he's such a cutie!' My consciousness spoke into the sane part of my brain, I blushed at the thought, then Rogue looked at my painting and his mouth gaped at it, "You are an amazing artist you know, Y/N" he complimented. "Thanks!" I smile.

Then, the pain in my stomach is back, caused by the incurable, cancerous tumour inside of me. I collapsed to the ground in utter agony, the tumour is multiplying like ivy. I could possibly die tonight for all we know. I stood up weakly and ran out of the guild hall and to my house which was not to far.

I unlocked the door, still groaning in pain, and closed it, locking it again. I fell onto the bed and cried. "I DONT WANT TO DIE!!" I cry in agony. Then I hear footsteps approaching my doorstep, the door was kicked open by... ROGUE?!

"What do you mean? You don't want to die? Well nobody does but, what's going on?!" Rogue demands. "N-nothing, don't stress ab-bout it R-Rogue" I lie. "I can tell you're lying, now what's wrong?" He says. "I can't tell you" I whisper and tears roll down my cheeks. Rogue surprises me by pulling me into a hug.

I hesitantly wrap my arms around him and cry into his shoulder. "You can't tell anyone, it's to late to do anything now anyways, my fate is sealed, I have Leukaemia, and I'm going to die, tonight" I whisper in a hoarse voice.

"N-no, you joking right?! Yeah! This is all a prank to get back at me from earlier isn't it!" Rogue assumes and I sadly shake my head.

"I wish it was, but it's not, and once I was diagnosed with it, I was dead, it's incurable Rogue" I tell him. He cries silently into my t-shirt.

"NO! YOU CANT DIE!!" He yells. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to make you sad, that's why I didn't tell any- AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" I scream in pain. Rogue quickly let's go of me and looks at me with shock and worry clear in his eyes.

"Rogue, what's the, what's the, the, the, time!?" I ask desperately. He quickly glances over to the wall clock, "It's 8:53" Rogue tells me and I cry, "The end is near" I whisper. "No, don't say that!" Rogue yells at me, then the pain is gone and I relax.

"Rogue, now that I told you about my condition, I might as well show you the outcome" I sigh and pull off my H/C wig.

He gasps and pulls me into his chest. "I'm so sorry, Y/N, now let's tell the others, they deserve to know" Rogue says and carries me bridal style.

"ROGUE!! PUT ME DOWN!!" I yell and thrash about in his grasp, his grip tightens. "No, I know you will probably run back to your house" he states and marches on towards the guild.

I sigh knowing he is right and relax in his arms. I snuggle into his chest as the cool autumn breeze blew through the town. He holds me close to his chest and we arrive at the Sabertooth guild hall. Rogue kicks the door down, gaining everyone's attention.

Their eyes averted to me and they gasped. Sting, our master, Rogues best friend rushes forward and looks at my state. "What happened to you?!" Sting demands.

"Y/N has been hiding something from everyone and she regrets it deeply, now, what is it Y/N?" Rogue sarcastically asked.

"Okay! Okay! I'll say it! Just put me down would you!" I pleaded and he hesitantly set me down on my feet.

"I know that you'll all be disappointed with me, but as soon as I was diagnosed with this, hell, my fate was sealed, inescapable agony, pain, torture and sadness. I'm deeply sorry that I kept it from all of you but I didn't want everyone to worry, it's to late now though, it is incurable. I have been diagnosed with Leukaemia cancer and tonight, I will die and there is nothing, anyone can do to prevent it or even slow it down, I'm done for!" I yell.

Then, the pain returns. "AAAAHHHHHHH, ARRRRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!!!" I yell and collapse in pain. Everyone rushed to my side and all had tears in their eyes or tears rolling down their face. Then it's gone and I sit up, and I giggle. "Sorry, it happens quite frequently!" I inform them.

Sting picks me up and hugs me, "How? Why? Please tell me you're joking Y/N!!" Sting pleads with tears rolling down his once cheerful face. I shake my head, "I had to tell Rogue the same thing before, it's to late to do anything now anyways, my fate is sealed, and I'm going to die, tonight, there is nothing you or anyone here can do Sting" I restate.

Then the rest of Sabertooth join in the hug, smashing me in the process, and guess what, the pain is back. Lucky me...

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH UUUUGGGGGHHHHHH AAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!" I bellow in pain and everyone jumps off of me, the pain continues for another minute or to and I stand up, brush myself off like it was nothing. Like I didn't have an incurable cancerous tumour killing me slowly.

"Can I have a sandwich?" I ask and sit at my favourite spot. Rogue and Sting nod and rush to the kitchen and make me my favourite sandwich.

In 5 or so minutes they return with two stuffed sandwiches. "You dimwits! That's not how you make a sandwich! Watch the professional at work!" I smirk and stroll into the kitchen. I grab the ingredients and utensils and get to work.

In about 2 minutes, I make my ideal sandwich and walk out proudly and eat it. "That, my good sirs is how you make a proper sandwich! Take note of that for the future!" I say and they nod.

"What's the time?" I ask nervously, it feels like it's been 2 hours. "It is precisely 11:58 Y/N" Rufus informs and I start shaking. I stand up unsteadily and hug everyone in the guild tightly, bidding my goodbyes.

I walk out of the guild hall and to my house. I see that Sting, Yukino, Rufus, Olga and Rogue running closely behind.

I reach my house and tried to reach my ideal deathbed, my heavenly sleeping quarters but I collapsed before I got there. My vision became hazy and I felt so weak.

Then everyone raced in and their eyes widened at my state. Rogue instantly sat by my side and grabbed my hand. "Y/N NO!" He yelled, tears splattering onto my floor, then I did the last thing anyone expected.

I grabbed Rogues chin and connected our lips, he was shocked at first but kissed back slowly.

Then, my life slowly slipped away from me and white dots covered my vision and I fell to the ground, taking my last breath to say my last words, my dying wish.

"Rogue, please find someone to love, to make you happy, to take care of you when I can't, please, because I am in love with you, Rogue Cheney..." My voice faces away and I lay motionless. My hand fell to the ground and I was, gone.

For good... Goodbye, Rogue Cheney, I will always love you...

Rogues POV
Her hand fell to the ground and her eyes were open, not blinking. She wasn't breathing and her heart stopped beating. I picked her up and her head fell backwards and her mouth hung open. Tears stung my eyes.

I hugged her close to my chest and sobbed into her limp shoulder. She's gone. I lay her back down and I shut her eyes, kissing her forehead one last time.

My one true love. Dead. Stolen from me by an unstoppable disease. But I stood tall and was desperate to fulfil her dying wish, what she wanted for me. I will do it for Y/N.

I know she is watching over me.

She knows that I will never stop loving her. That she will always be in my heart and mind. I know that she will be with me, forever...

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