Ibusaki Shun x Reader : Eyes Pt 1

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Readers POV


"Alright students! Today we have a new transfer student! Y/N! Come and introduce yourself!" The student hosting the assembly escorted me on stage.

I'm Y/N L/N, I'm 16 and I have long auburn hair that reaches the top of my but and my eye colour, no one knows. I cover my eyes with my fringe and I'm extremely shy. But I love cooking, back at home they called me 'The Mute Chef' because I barely speak. I also have extreme social anxiety.

I shook my head and said "No", but she shoved the microphone into my hand and pushed me on stage.

'Get it over and done with Y/N! Then it will be done and you'll be back to normal' my consciousness spoke. I nodded and spoke.

"Hello everyone, I'm Y/N L/N and it's a pleasure to be here, it's really a dream come true, that I'm here! Well, thank you very much and I'll see you around!" I quickly said and walked off stage, shaking and sweating buckets.

Then, I started walking to my dormitory once the assembly ended and everyone left.

"Polar Star Dormitory huh" I mumbled when I arrived. I walked inside and was greeted by an old lady. "You cannot live here without passing the test" she spoke.

"You must cook a meal for me and if it's good, you stay" she said and I nodded. I was confident when I cooked. "H-hai".

"You can use any ingredients you can find in the kitchen, START!" She yelled and I scrambled into the kitchen.


I decided to make one of my specialties. Devilled sausage casserole with vegetables. YUM!!

"INCREDIBLE!!" You pass! Your room is 480! Welcome to Polar Star!" She said and handed me a key I thanked her and walked off to my room.

I walked upstairs and looked at my feet as I went, finding their movement somewhat intriguing. Then, I walked into someone...

"Ahhh! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Are you okay!? I'm such a klutz!" I shrieked and helped him up. He had dark salmon hair that covered his eyes, like mine. "Sorry" he said.

"Y-yeah, s-sorr-ry" I stuttered, very embarrassed. "Stop saying sorry, the rest of the Polar Star students are gathering in Mauri's room for a game of cards, you should come" he suggested.

Social situations? Nope.


"I-I c-can't, I d-don-n't do w-well in-n s-social s-sit-uat-tion-ns" I stuttered terribly.

"Do you have social anxiety? I saw you sweating like a pig on stage" he mumbled. I gulped and nodded, hiding my embarrassed cheeks.

Then he grabbed my wrist and dragged me down the hallway to an unfamiliar room.

He knocked on the door and it opened revealing a boy with pink hair, sorta on the red side actually. "Hey Ibusaki!" He cheered and the boy walked him with the boy that held my wrist dragging me behind.

'Ibusaki huh' I thought, 'must be his name' well duh!

Then everyone looked at me and smiled. My heart began beating really fast and sweat drops rolled down my face. I ripped my hand out of Ibusakis grasp and ran out of the room to my dorm room.

I fumbled with the key and unlocked the door, quickly going inside and locking it up.

I threw the key onto my desk and flopped onto my bed, slowly but surely calming down. I walked to one of my many suitcases, deciding to spice up my boring room.

I chucked it open and grabbed different organisation and decoration things from my old room and mapping it out. I put four cute little organisation jars on my desk and filled them with markers, pencils and pens. I put up my food calendar and my pin board.

I then stuck some photos from home upon my wall and my record player on a little table. I put my black and white checkered bed set on my bed and my pillows. My owl hedwig plushy, my cat plushy also made their way onto my bed.

Then I felt something brush up against me. I looked down and saw... MY CAT!!?? WHAT WAS HE DOING HERE!?

"Tee-Jay, what are you doing here!?" I picked him up like a baby and kissed his nose, he mewwed happily and licked my cheek.

"Onto the bed buddy, have a nap!" I giggled and put him on my blanket. He curled up and fell asleep quickly. "How did he get here?" I pondered.

"Hi! Welcome to Polar Star! I'm Isshiki! And you are?" An unfamiliar voice called. I froze and looked up.

A boy with tousled hazel locks was peering in through a square thingy on the roof, apparently they are detachable...

"AHHHHH!! GO AWAY PERV!!!" I shouted with tick marks appearing all over my face. He scrambled away after that, I sighed and pat Tee-Jay. 'What am I gonna do' I thought and lay down on my bed, slipping off my converse. I curled into ball and shut my eyes for a good old sleep schedule ruining mid day nap...

Hi guys! Sorry I haven't posted in AGES, same for my Natsu X reader story, been having a MAJOR writers block at the moment! It would really help if you commented on this book what one shots or two shots you would like me to publish!

All you have to write is the two characters or just the on and have me write an X Reader story for that character, and the anime its from! If I haven't watched it, I'll tell you and perhaps add it to my 'Animu to binge' list!


And remember;

'Hogwarts will always be here to welcome you home' -J.K Rowling...

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