Chapter 2

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Uriah P.O.V

I look to the side and Tris is staring at something with wide eyes. I follow at were she is starring at and my eyes widen too.'s can't be...oh my god!

Me and Tris look at each other wide eyes.

"That can't be Zeke!" Tris whisper yells. "It could be but I don't know." I say looking back over. When I look at him, that whole group is staring at us.  I shift uncomfortable in my seat and just hide. Once the group has walked in everybody starts talking and the teacher just starts getting things for the class.

The group looks at us and then the guy who looks like Zeke whisper something to the group. A girl with mocha skin looks at us and then smiles at us. The girl comes towards us, which the group follows her.

"Hi! I'm Christina. These are my friend Shauna, Zeke -which there dating-, Marlene-single-, Will-my boyfriend-, Al- single-, And then this is Four-his girl friend is Lauren, she over there by that group and don't ask why his name is a number-."

Me and Tris look over at Lauren and she's pretty. I look at Four and I see him staring at Tris. I start smirking and I cough and Four looks at me and looks down and he scratches the back of his neck.

"So what are your names?" Four ask. "I'm Uriah and this is Tris." I look at Zeke and you can see pain in his eyes. I look down sad because I can't tell him that I'm his brother. "So do you guys have siblings?" I ask them. "I don't but Will does named Cara." Christina says. "I did but he died in a fire and me and Four lost a friend in the same fire as my brother." I look at Tris sad and she gives a small smile.

"I do, her name is Lynn but I'm not sure we're she's at." Shauna says. She looks around the room and waves at the person to come over. "Okay, so this is my sister Lynn." Me and Tris says hi and she does the peace sign. "Okay Class! Please have a seat!" They say there goodbyes and have a seat next to each other and then look at the board.

I look at Zeke and he just looks sad.
I wish I could just tell him, "I'm here again."...

Sorry I haven't update it! And sorry that it was very short I have been really busy but I'll try updating this book as much as possible! ❤️❤️

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