Chapter 6

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Four's P.O.V

I see Tris in deep thought. I put my hand on her thigh. She breathe in and looks at me sending me a small smile which I return. I lean down and whisper in her ear "What's wrong?" She shakes her head and I look deep into her eyes and I can see that she is lying.

"Your lying and I know it." I say smirking. She sighs and looks at me. "Did you and Nita have a thing?" My eyes widen and I shake my head violently. "No Tris. Never. I used to have a crush on her but then she started acting crazy. We never had a thing don't think that."

She smiles and nods. I could kiss her but I can't. I would like to get to know her. "Are you and Uriah a thing?" I ask her nervous for what she is going to say. She starts to laugh and I get confused. "No! Oh my god. We're like brother and sister." I let out a sigh of relief.

We keep doing small talk, in the background I hear the song "So Close" By John McLaughlin. "Would you like to dance?" She bites her lip. (A/N they dance how they do in the clip.) ' Your in my arms' She pushes herself away from me but I pull her into me. We dance away to the song.

'So close, so close and still so far' I pull her close to me and she stares up at me and I look down at her and we lean in slowly until Uriah screeches into the microphone. "I need my gang to come downstairs so we can play and who ever want to come and play. See you there!"

I look at Tris and she blushes and looks away. "I'll see you down stairs." She pulls away from my grip leaving my hand alone. I throw my head back and clench my teeth.

Damn you Uriah...

Hey guys so FourTris will happen soon I promise I just want to do somethings before they happen. Hope you enjoyed!❤️

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