I did what?

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  **I touched something smooth and warm. I opened my eyes, and I was in front of...**

  Plasma & Air. The eggs were a blue-ish black. My hand was on the darkest egg of the batch. My hands cradled it and presented it to Max. He was confused, but lead me to the hatchling dorms. He directed me to the brightest nest. He asked if he'd like Shinely to bring me supper, and I agreed. He was already looking like a werewolf. I grinned and sat beside my eggs nest. The nests had water and food, a heat lamp, and a dome over top. The air holes were made by drills in the dome. I stroked and talked to the egg. I waited for supper to arrive and thought of dragon names. I couldn't think of one. I thought of many dog names, but not dragon names. I saw Shinely and a wolf walk in.
I laughed at Max and asked Shinely what had happened.
He said "Super Moon lunar eclipse."
I smile at the wolf on the floor. Its' brown eyes are ones of curiosity and happiness. I'm tempted to stroke it but realize that would be creepy. I eat my salad and steak and wash my hands. Shinley sends Max with the dishes and pulls up a chair. He tells me a story of a dragon rider who had tamed a wild Plasma & Air dragon and defended many people from the advancing evil. The rider prevented the evil for 1 000 years, but he was corrupted by the evils' main source. The Dagger of Hate and Demise. He was stabbed in the heart and instead of dying, became corrupted. His dragon is also corrupted. They eventually became the holder of the evil. And now if Plasma & Air dragons are seen, they are to be killed upon sight, as they are reminders of the evil. The Academy decided to allow them, simply because they put the past behind them, and some riders are meant for them. And only the egg they touch. If they touched another egg after, it will burn their hands.
Then Max comes back, and ends up tripping on a caster, and fell onto his furry face. I laughed as he stood up, and shook his head. He glares, but I just grinned.
Max cried out "Just you wait, Shinely! A solar eclipse is expected very soon! I'm gonna laugh when you transform in the middle of campus!"
Shinely walks up to Max and put a dog treats beside him. We laugh as Max ate it. Then, at the peak of the eclipse, my egg starts hatching! A gold eye stares out at me, and then a foot sticks out. I'm told to open the dome and place the egg in the nest on the floor. I do The dragonette hatches, then a loud hum fills the room. We're moving the dragonette outside, for some reason. I don't understand. Was this another thing I didn't understand? Or was this normal? I'm running to the sports field, dragonette in my arms. We're in the center of the field, and I put my dragonette down. Shinely pulls me back, wwwwwaaaayyy back. My dragon roars a faint, squeaky roar. The light hits the dragon from the eclipse, and a loud crack erupts. I shield my eyes from a bright flash.....

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