Dusty Old Love Song

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Dusty old love song, dance with me across this land of roses
One last time
It's time to tell the children a story
Of you and me

Let me tell you that your skin feels like endless freedom
Feeling your skin against mine was all I ever needed
A pocket of you and me under the sheets
It's just us, the air we breathe and infinity
That's what we said, wasn't it?

The first time I saw you, I couldn't keep my eyes off of you
I'd never seen a star so white nor a candle burn so bright so I stared at you forever, though I knew you would blind me
And blind me you did
All I ever wanted was for you to touch me with your hands of stars, let me inhale your beauty
Let my lungs glow bright with light

I was always so tired because of you and how I wished to sleep but oh!
The fireflies in your eyes, they are so beautiful
They glow still, in my memory

Did I ever tell you what I love most about you?
What I love most about you is that you found heaven in the corners of hell
You made everything you touched beautiful
Even me

But then the kisses became burdens
And "I love you" became a sigh
That is when it all fell apart
I felt you slipping through the cracks and I was left breathless
I still can't breathe
And once I told you that you were my greatest fear, I wish instead, I'd simply said I was afraid you would leave

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