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We built a kingdom, an empire together
You set it aflame and left me sifting through the ashes

I can't even try to build it back
That's how broken you left it
That's how broken you left me
I don't even wanna try to rebuild it
I just wanna sit here, just me and my memories

My empire of dust
You could've had it all but, now there's nothing left
You walked away and left it all behind
Did you even look back?
You can still have it all
This empire of dirt
How can I even try to build anything as grand as what we had?

I must be true to myself and say it
It's gone
It's gone!
There's nothing left
Nothing left of us

You burned everything I loved
You burned me

Our empire's gone
There's nothing here now
I must leave
I have to leave
I'm just torturing myself by staying here
Trying to find something to fix it
To fix me

Our empire's gone
There's nothing left
If you were to ever return all you'll find is dust and the imprint of us
I will not be there
I have to leave
I can't stay here any longer
I must go and try to get along without you

Poems by MEWhere stories live. Discover now