Chapter 3:More Mr. Todd=More Crazy Ms. Kamon

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For the rest of the weekend, I was off running errands for my mother because Tom was coming next Saturday.

I curse the lord for 'blessing' me with such an uptight, perfectionist of a mother. She made me drive ten miles to collect pine cones as decorations, even though there was a pine tree in our BACKYARD. Something about pine cones in the woods having a more 'natural and pleasing scent.' Yeah, sure... If you call squirrel pee and dirt pleasing.

Currently, it was Monday, first day of the week and second week of school. And as of right now, I had no plan whatsoever figured out to get Ms. Kamon and Mr. Todd together. But that, I would deal with later.

For now, I was focusing on  grabbing my school supplies and notebooks for first period. As I was stuffing my first period necessities into my backpack, I heard a voice from behind calling my name. I turned and saw my one and only---I'm serious---best friend, Danon Cumbers, running down the hallway towards me like a maniac, not stopping until she arrived at my locker. She was leaning forward, hands on knees, gasping for air. Her words came out a bit muffled  from her heavy breathing.

"H-hey, C-cra-ck-ers,"she said between gasps for air.

"Hey, Danon! What's up?" I asked her cheerfully.

"Nothing really," she said, regaining her usual steady heartbeats and even breathing. "How 'bout you?"

"Listen, Danon, I need to tell you something. You know Ms. Kamon, right? Lady with the blonde frizzy hair?" I questioned.

"Oh, yeah. You mean the lady who basically stalks Mr. Todd, right?"she asked, gesturing over to two figures: a man and a woman.

Mr. Todd---obviously the man---was looking down at his phone, oblivious to his surroundings. Meanwhile, Ms. Kamon, the woman, was peering at him from behind the mug she held high above in her hands. Creepy...How come I never noticed that before? Well, at least my hypothesis was confirmed:the more Mr. Todd, the more creepier and crazier Ms. Kamon gets---

"Earth to Crackers," my friend said, snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"W--what?" I stuttered.

"You alright? You were staring at them a bit too long," she said with an edge of concern in her voice.

"Yeah. I'm fine," I reassured, "It's just that---"

Ding. Ding. Ding.

The bell. Just great...Note:sarcasm.

We both began parting ways before I heard her voice pass through the hall, directed at me, one last time before our next conversation.

"Just tell me at lunch," she said over her shoulder.

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