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Mu yeon and jin, both was suprised to meet each other at the lift. Mu yeon was a bit trembling when she saw jin. She distance herself a bit from jin. After that unexpected meeting with jin, they feel a bit awkward. Both of them just keep the silent to themselve while waiting for the lift. Long after that, jin suddenly breaks the silent between them.

"sooooooooo.... You live here too?"-jin

"h-hm. I live with my aunt live here too?"-mu yeon

"Yeah.. the boys also lives here. Btw, sorry about what happen earlier at school.."-jin

Mu yeon just silent herself. Then she touched her bandaged wrist while looking down to the floor. Jin noticed the bandaged that is wrapped around mu yeon wrist. Jin asked mu yeon about her wrist.

"is your wrist alright?"-jin

"uh? y-yes."-mu yeon

"sorry about tae-tae... he's just still angry with what happen.."-jin

"what do you mean? i never did anything to him! but that taehyung guy!!! he. . .he made bruises and strained my wrist on my first day of school!"-mu yeon

Mu yeon was furious! She doesn't even realize that she just yelled at jin. Jin just listened to all her anger that she let out but he couldn't look into her eyes. Then the lift arrived. They both silently entered the lift. Jin pushed the number 15 on the lift and after that, mu yeon pushed 14.

Before the lift stop at 13th floor, mu yeon said sorry to jin and she did not intend to be rude. Jin give mu yeon a smile and he said that he doesn't actually care. He also said that she has all the right to be angry to them. Then, when the lift door was open. Mu yeon get out of the lift and right before the lift's door was close, mu yeon said something to jin.

"can you accompany me to the mart for awhile? i'm just going to put my school bag at home."-mu yeon

"hm? b-bwo?"-jin

Jin was surprised that mu yeon ask him to accompany her. He never thought that the girl would ask him. Then, jin directly answered to mu yeon just right before the door was close.

"yeah.. why not.. i'll see you in front of the apartment then.."-jin

After listening to jin's answer, mu yeon was smiling. She never thought that jin would agree to accompany her to the mart. Well, she really need someone to accompany her because she's new to the place. So, she's not really familiar with places there and the other reason why she asked it to jin is because jin is carrying some stuff that is bought from the mart, so she feels like jin must be always buying groceries since he said before that the BTS boys are also living here. 

Jin is back home to the BTS dorm with the groceries in his arm. He go straight to the kitchen and put all the groceries  he just bought. When he was about to go out again, he saw jungkook and V are playing the playstation until didn't notice that he was back. When he was putting on his shoe on, suddenly suga open the door. Suga was with Jhope. Then, Hobi asked his hyung where to go.

"hyung, where are you going?"-jhope

"i'm going out again."-jin

"where? aren't you just got back home?"-suga

"it's none of your business. I've prepared dinner already before i was out for the groceries just now. If you guys wanna eat, heat it up again."-jin

Then, rapmon just appeared from behind jin and almost make him startled. Rapmonster also asked jin the same question that suga and jhope just asked him. It's really making jin a little bit irritated by his member.

"jin hyung, where are you going?"-rapmon

"yahhhh! i said, i'm going out and if you guys ask me again with the same question, i'm not going to cook for you guys for a month! and take that as a warning!!"-jin

"b-bwo??!!!!"- suga, jhope and rapmon

"okay, okay! relax jin hyung."-rapmon

"fine. We won't ask you again with the question."-suga

"yes, yes! now, you said you're going out right? s-so, go on hyung! byeee~"-jhope

After that, jin got out from the house with a smirk on his face. He know so well of his member that they won't dare if he thread to not cook for them for A MONTH! Then, after taking the lift to go down to the ground floor, jin sees mu yeon who is standing still right in front of the building . Jin walk to mu yeon and she didn't even notice his presence because she was putting her earphone on, so jin touches her shoulder.

"let's go now or it's going to get late.."-jin

"okay. I'll follow you from the back."-mu yeon

////////// so, i've released the new chapter and i hope you guys like it.. sorry if the next chapter is a bit late because i have some crisis now.. i'll try my best to finished the next chapter soon..okkkkk, bye for nowwww /////////

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