First Kiss Talk

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After that chaos just happen in the hallway, V took mu yeon's hand in hand and brought her to the back of the school. Mu yeon on the other hand was still numb and doesn't really has any respond until she heard V's growling. Mu yeon see blood at V's knuckle and she went near him and asked worriedly.

"what happen to your hand?!"-mu yeon

"non of your business, slave.."-v

Without thinking for a long time, mu yeon grab V's wrist and pull him to the side and ask him to sit. While V is trying to ignore mu yeon's command, suddenly he felt a grab on his shoulder and force him to sit. 

"yahhh! just listen to me would you?! such a brat.."-mu yeon

"who do you call brat huh, slave?"-v

"it doesn't matter if i'm your slave or what, now would you just listen to me and let me your wound, please?"-mu yeon

V look into mu yeon's eyes and suddenly he feels like being enchanted and obey what mu yeon said without protesting her. So when they have sit on the ground, mu yeon took V's hand and look at it. She was a bit nervous while holding V's hand.

'he's hand was really masculine and bigger than mine for sure. Also, he's hand feel so comfortable to hold and i feel like i am safe around it'

"i know my hand was really attractive, so no need to hold and look at it like you are going to cut it.."-v

Mu yeon snap and back to the reality. She was burning in red flames and V saw it. He chuckled to see mu yeon's blushing face.

"you're blushing over me, slave?"-v

"n-no!!! i-i was just l-looking at you w-wound!! don't be full of yourself"-mu yeon

V just laughing at mu yeon. He knows that mu yeon were actually embarrassed by what he just said. So, V keeps on teasing his slave while mu yeon treated his wound on his knuckle. After mu yeon clean the wound on his knuckle and put on a plaster on it, V stands up while pulling mu yeon up to his side too.

"w-where are we going??"- mu yeon

"yahhh, you're mine right? my slave? so just follow your master would you? and NO more question!"- v

V climbed the school wall and when he was about to jump, he realize that mu yeon was still on the ground and not trying to climb the wall.

"why are you still standing?"- v

"i-i don't kno...."-mu yeon

Suddenly V jump down to the ground and take mu yeon by her waist. He pull mu yeon toward his body and their face were only few inches away. Mu yeon a bit shock and then there was baekhyun's image in her mind. The sudden flashback of what happen at the hallway makes mu yeon touches her lips.

"erhh. . why are you touching you lips? it's not like i'm gonna kiss you, which i would like too actually"-v

V smirks at mu yeon and mu yeon's face turns red again. They teasing never stops but then, mu yeon just looking down. V was a bit annoyed by mu yeon's attitude but there was a sobbing sound from mu yeon.

"y-yahh!! why are you crying? i-i was joking!!!"-v

"i-it. . .w-was. . .m-my. . .f-first. . .k-kiss!"-mu yeon


After awhile, mu yeon calm herself down and v just standing there staring dagger at mu yeon. Mu yeon feels a bit uncomfortable with that so she just put her head down and don't dare to look at V in the eyes.

"it's just a first kiss. So what?"-v

He said cockily and chuckled. Mu yeon was a bit shocked but not really when she thinks of it again. Well, V might said that simple because he must kissed another girls like thousands time since he was a badboy and the school kingka.

"easy for you to say it. You must done it thousands of time."-mu yeon

"what did you just say? huh. What so important about first kiss??"-v

"first kiss should be with someone special and the person we like. It is IMPORTANT!"-mu yeon

"so?? you like that byun-boy right? it doesn't matter anyway.."-v

"it is matter!! don't you get it? huh, wait.. i shouldn't talk this with someone like you. And for the matter of fact, my and baekki-ssi just a friend for now. It's just he was nice to me and protecting me"-mu yeon

"yeah, right. Protect you from who?"-v

"you of course!"-mu yeon

KRINGGGGGGG!! Then the bell rings. Mu yeon was still standing there with V until V decide to walk away from there.

"where do you think you're going?"-mu yeon

"out. Schools are boring and seems like you don't know how to climb a wall, then i just shall walk to the front gate. Now, lets go."-v

"us?! out?! are you insane?!!!"-mu yeon

"stop shouting, slave! you will make my eardrum bleeding because of your high pitching voice."-v

Mu yeon can't even said anything back to V since he was giving her that scary face of his with that scary grin. It's like something evil he will do to her if she says no. 

"h-hey, this is b-breaking the school rules right??"-mu yeon

"so what? the school can't harm me and if you are with me, same goes to you."-v

"b-but. . ."-mu yeon

Suddenly, there is a sweet voice greeting V. Both of them, V and mu yeon turn their face toward the voice who just greeted them.

"Tae-tae?? is that you?"

V's eyes were round and his mouth was a bit open. He was shock to see the person in front of him.

Taeyeon noona......

"hye! you still remember me right? It's me. Taeyeon"

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