Chapter 3

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 "What are you talking about?" Rosie asked. 'This plan was so stupid! Like people would believe this!'

"Do I really need to explain it again?" Jake sighed and continued, "Okay, Jasmine assumed CONSTANTLY that we were dating behind her back and CONSTANTLY accused me of it when she was always looking and flirting with other guys. I never liked that, but I didn't say anything. But I get blamed for cheating. So I want to do something to make her mad."

"I understand that part, just not the fact that you want me to do. . . That. We've been best friends for forever, and now you want to date me all of a sudden?"

"No, I want to make Jasmine think like we're dating," Jake said. He knew it sounded crazy, but as he thought more about his and Jas's relationship, DAMN she was annoying. Now it was time for a taste of her own medicine.


I know this part is kind of short, but more will come later, I promise. I'll start posting more regularly after basketball is over. Like, comment, share, love you all, bye! xx

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