Chapter 4

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 Of course, school on Monday was horrible. Everyone had seemed to take Jasmine's side of the entire thing, and she spread around that Jake and Rosie were actually dating behind her back. This of course made Jake a lot more mad than he already was. Later on after lunch, he met Rosie during their free period.
"We need to put our plan into action tonight," he said as he glared at two sophomores who were staring at the pair.

"Okay, sounds good. What are we going to do?" Rosie asked, still somewhat distracted by the thought of Brian last weekend.

"Well how our plan is to make everyone start up rumors? I'm sure someone will ask me what I was thinking on the way to practice. I'll make a big deal out of it and stomp off and seem upset during practice. Then you come and pick me up after practice and we'll act all couple-y in the car, then we can just go home and do homework or something. Everyone who sees will talk and be suspicious and spread the word. Sound good?"

"Clear as mud. I'll just come get you after practice and remind me then too," said Rosie.

"Ugh, you don't listen very well, do you?" he teased.

This earned a laugh from Rosie, "Shut up. I have to go be teacher's-aid. See you later."

As she's almost out of the hallway, Jake yelled, "Bye Rosie!" earning a couple more looks. 'This is going to work so well,' he thought.

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