Chapter 3 : The Object

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Lee : "Ok follow me."
Zoe:"This better not be other one of your tricks cause I had to walk 4 miles to get here ok!!"
Lee: "Ohh trust me I assure you this be no trick."
Joseph: "Just wait till you guys see this thing. Its going to blow... your .. mind.
Shaun: "Why can't you just tell us what we came down here for."
Michael: "Just hush and you'll see soon enough."
Shaun: "Pool don't you tell me to hush, or I will slap the f**k off you."
Bryce: "Ohh a fight where's the popcorn."
*SLAP* Every one turns to see Bryce get slapped by Zoe.
Zoe: I may love as fighting as much as the next person but not right now. I want to see why I walked for 4 miles. So let's just go already."
All: "ok wow"
As they continue walking they see a faint glow from the trees. As they get closer Lee stops them.
"Are you ready for what your about to see."
Lee: Ok fine. Gezz don't get your panties in a wad.
As they approach the glow they see a small red sphere.
Shaun: "What is it?"
Michael: "Its a orb."
Shaun: "Well nah durr I got that much. I mean like what does it do and where did it come from."
Lee: "I have no idea. I was just wandering around here like I usually do when I found it."
Zoe: " Hold on hold on hold on. I came all the way out here to look at a ball in the woods! I walked 4 f**king miles TO LOOK AT A BALL!! AAAAHHHHH!!!"
Bryce: "Take cover!!"
Every one runs behind a tree except for Michael. Zoe turns and sees him she then charges full speed and knees him right in the balls sending him up in the air and right next to the orb. He lays there holding his balls in agony.
All: "ooohhhh"
Lee: "Well he won't be able to sit or stand or do any thing for that matter of fact for quite a while."
As Michael tries to get up he accidentally touch's the orb. It shines a bright flash blinding every one around. When they finally come to there is no trace of Michael anywhere.

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