Chapter 11: WHO ARE YOU...

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*"Hup, hup (whoosh, ttttsssshhhh)*

*The fight rages on between the 6 friends and the relentless never ending reapers*

Bryce: *Panting* "They.. Just... Keep... Coming!"

Joseph: *Panting* "I don't... know how much... longer we... we can last!"

Zoe: *Throws back a reaper* "I don't know... about you guys... but.. I'm fine."

Amberly: "We just have to keep fighting there has to be an end to them."

Marissa: "I don't think there is, we've been fighting for what feels like half an hour."

*All of a sudden a reaper drops, then another and another and on and on they continue to drop until there are no more. They all fell a rush of wind then the orb disappears along with the red light.*

Marissa: "Ok, did any one else feel that!!"

Lee: "ORBY!!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!"

Joseph: "What was that!!"

Amberly: "I don't know but every one be on guard."

Zoe: "Be on guard against what! We cant see anything with that orb gone!!"

*All of a sudden another rush of wind passes*

Joseph: "What is that!!!!"

Amberly: "OK. Head count everyone say here."

Marissa: "Here."

Bryce: "Here."

Joseph: "Here."

Zoe: "Here."

Amberly: "Lee. Lee say here!!"

*All of a sudden a dim blue light appears and everyone turns to look towards it*

...: *Deep Voice* "If you ever want to see your friend again you will listen to what I say."

Joseph: "What have you done with Lee."

...: "I can assure you Lee is safe ok... Joseph..."

Joseph: "How do you know my name!!!"

...: "I know all if you Zoe, Bryce, Lee, Marissa, And Amberly."

Zoe: How do you know our names!!

*The dark figure starts to step closer with the blue light as it does they all get their swords at the ready. It walks all the way up then the blue light becomes brighter revealing everything around.

Amberly: "BUT HOW!!!"

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