Chapter 6: New People

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Joseph: "Holy s**t."
Shaun: "What is that THING!!!!"
Lee: "I don't know but keep it away from Orby."
...:*deep growl*
Shaun: "Guys I think we should start running."
...: *runs over to the tunnel and snarls*
Joseph: "Great the thing can understand us."
*All of a sudden they all here a scream and the monster/thing turns around and falls*
Shaun: "Who are you."
*They all see a short girl standing over the monster, astonished and confused of what just happened*
Amberly: "My name is Madison, but you can call me Amberly.
Joseph: "Ok 'Amberly' what are you doing down here."
Amberly: "I don't know how I got here but I know you can't stay."
Shaun: "Ok I have a question what was that thing that just attacked us."
Amberly: "Well I like to call them reapers. Hey who's your friend there."
Shaun: "Oh that's Lee. I'm Shaun and that is Joseph."
Lee: *whispering to self* Don't worry Orby you'll bee ok. 'hehehehe"
Amberly: "Uumm has he always been like that."
Shaun: "More or less."
Joseph: "You don't know happen the way out of here by any chance do you?"
Amberly: "If I did you all would be dead right now."
Shaun: "That is true. Well do you kinda have like a camp down here orrr?"
Amberly: "Its more of a small shack. Come on follow me."
*As they walk along Amberly ask the guys.*
"Can any of you help me carry this thing." *Points toward the reaper*
Shaun: "Sure I will. Joseph go get Lee up and drag him if you have to."
*So they set off with Amberly in the lead her and Shaun carrying the reaper and behind them Joseph dragging Lee with the orb*

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