Chapter 10: Cornered

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*They continue to walk through the cave.*

Bryce: "Hey I forgot to ask wheres Shaun I haven't seen him yet."

*Lee starts to look down and talk to Orby trying to hide his sadness while Joseph pulls Bryce and Zoe to the back of the group.

Joseph: "Listen this isn't easy to say but Shauns... Shauns not with us anymore."

Bryce: "What do you mean not with us."

Zoe: "Yea what happened did he like go off or something."

Amberly: "No, he sacrificed himself so it would give Joseph enough time to kill the reaper. It was foolish but he saved me and possibly the rest of us to."

Marissa: "Wait do these 'Reapers' have a kinda humanoid figure."

Amberly: "Yea why."

Marissa: "Because there's one right there!!!"

*They all turned around to see a reaper walking up on them and start growling at them. Amberly pulls out her sword. Lee hunches down and covers up Orby.*


Amberly: "Everyone stay behind me."

Bryce: "This thing doesn't look that menacing." *Starts to walk to it.*

*As Bryce gets closer to the reaper it roars and jumps at him. Bryce ducks trying to dodge the attack. All of a sudden Amberly jumps in between them and blocks the attack then shoves it back. As it slides back off balance Amberly rushes in and slices it in half then sheaths the sword.*

Amberly: "Next time Ill the attack go through." *Starts walking.*

Bryce: "Geez, well then."

*They all continue walking and after a few minutes it just starts to get darker and darker and darker until it gets pitch black.*

(sound)*Heavy breathing*

Marissa: "What was that ."

Lee: "Orby do it now."

*All of a sudden the orb starts to give off a small red glow. Everyone starts to back up.*

Lee: "No its fine it wont do anything. Isn't that right Orby."

Zoe: "Lee just how crazy are you."

Lee: "Very."


Amberly: "Quick every one form up."

 *Everyone gets in a circle with Lee in the middle holding the only light source.*

Amberly: "Here Everyone take a sword."

Zoe: "Where did you have these."

Amberly: "You don't want to know."

Joseph: "I still cant see anything."

Lee: "Orby glow brighter."

*The orb starts to get brighter and brighter till they can see 20 feet in every direction.* All of a sudden they see and endless amount of reapers every where.*

Marissa: "UUUMMM so now what."

Amberly: "We try to survive this."



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