Chapter 12: The agreement

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*The figure starts to pull back its hood. As it does the orb goes black.*

Joseph: "Did any one see its face!!!"

All: "NO!!"

*Again they all feel a rush of wind. Then they all hear from in between them.*

...: "I told you to listen. Now do you want to see your friend or NOT!!"

*Everyone jumps back to get away.*

Amberly: "What do you want!"

...: "I need all of your help.'

Zoe: "Why do you need 'our' help."

...: "Because, if none of you have noticed. All of you are the only ones that aren't reaper down here!! You know I thought that you all were smarter than this."

Bryce: "Ok quick question. What exactly are you?"

...: "Like I would tell you that."

Marissa: "Then how can we trust you."

Joseph: "Yea you know us now let us know you."

...: "Ok if any of you ask any more questions you will never see Lee again. Got it... Ok now then. The reapers that you fought, there are still more of them and they have a hive that I need help destroying."

Amberly: "Where is this hive?"

...: "It isn't to far from here. Now if you agree I will let you have your friend but if not you get to watch him die."

Joseph: "I'll do it."

Zoe: "Joseph!"

Joseph: "He's my friend I can't let him die especially if I can stop it. Plus I already lost one I'm not losing another."

Bryce: "I'll do it to."

Zoe: "Count me in then."

Marissa: "I guess I'm in."

Amberly: "I'm in to, I want to kill these guys."

...: "Ok then."

*A rush of wind passes through. After a few seconds it comes back.*

Lee: "Guy's... Orby light up."

*As the red orb lights up a blue light appears right in front of Lee. They both reveal a person kneeling in front of Lee.*

Lee: "Oh.. My.. God."

*The person standing in front of Lee is. (Leave a comment on who you think it is and you will have find out in the next chapter)

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