Chapter 2

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“It’s about your family as well as you. You, Sam, are an alchemist," Jane said.

I cocked my head to the side and repeated stupidly. "An alchemist?" I asked.

"You see, there exists a brotherhood which was formed in the medieval ages. They were exemplary in the art of conversion of materials and called themselves The Alchemists. Your family has descended from them and you have inherited their powers.”  

“However,” she continued, “during the Second World War, a group of alchemists revolted. They did not believe in the goals of the others and hence formed a new sect, The Immortals. True to their name, they remained immortal, without the necessity to increase their numbers. How they did it, I don't know, but they did. They were the ones who took your family and are now after you to finish what they started," she explained while looking through boxes and under covers. 

"And that would be?" I asked, although I knew what the answer would be.

"Elimination of the Alchemist brotherhood." She said grimly.

It was a lot for me to process right, now. So I asked her, "What are we doing in the attic then?"

"I am looking for something that your mother left me which I am to give you after you realize your hidden abilities. Here it is," Jane said, removing a small box. The box was made of rosewood, inlaid with roses on the front.

"It's beautiful," I exclaimed. I opened it and saw a few photographs and a couple of scrolls inside the box, covered with dust. At that instant, the doorbell rang. I ran down the ladder, flung the box on my bed and rambled down the stairs. I stood in front of the door, hesitant to open it, not knowing if it was a so called Immortal chasing after me or if it were a friend. I crossed my fingers and swung the door open. There stood the cute guy from school.

"Hey!" he said.

"Oh no, you don't! You show up at my school along with a weird chick who was hell-bent on killing me and then you act like my knight-in-shining-armour and save me. How in the world do I know you are on my side. For all I care, that could have been a staged play," I shouted, punching him at each word I said.

"Sam, calm down," said Jane, coming down the stairs. "Get inside. Quick," she said.

Once we were inside, the guy spoke in a professional manner to Jane," I have been ordered to take Samantha."  

"I understand." Jane said stoically. She then faced me and said," Grab all your things, along with the stuff I recently gave you. You must go with him. It's for your own good." 

"But where is he taking me?" I asked...wanting to know some answers.  

It was the guy who answered.  "I'm going to take you somewhere where you can learn how to control the power hidden inside you.”

I raised my brows in query.

“I'm taking you to Philosopher’s Academy," he said, grinning.


A/N: Edited by RemaningNeutral. Vote and comment :P

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