Chapter 6

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"This is the first year and the first class that you lot have at Philosopher's academy, so how about we make it a little interesting and lively today? Just for today though!" he grinned cheekily, as a low laughter ensued from the students.

"So then," he asked, his eyes sparkling, "How many of you know about, or have been really unlucky to see, The Doors of Truth?”


An incomprehensible muttering rose in the classroom.

"The Doors...of Truth...?" said one voice, deep but clear.

"I haven't heard of anything like that before," came another, rather high-pitched voice.

"Nor have I read it anywhere," came a third from somewhere behind her,

"Now, now, settle down. I doubt you would find any information on this topic because it is a highly touchy subject and very dangerous too however it is required for you to have certain knowledge in this matter," our teacher said.

"The Doors of Truth," an eerie silence fell over the class, not even a hushed whisper was heard as Alexx wrote certain symbols over the board and continued to speak, "mysterious things they are. Many alchemists have gone about trying to locate those gates however very few have actually returned. It is said that the gates are guarded by an entity, a faceless one at that. Those who return do not divulge any information and go into hiding for the rest of their lives. These doors are supposed to be the bare existence of alchemy. All alchemical information and spells, archived beyond those shut gates. Never to be revealed to anyone unless they prove themselves worthy.

“All the information we have on these doors has come from only one source. One man, who visited these gates and revealed everything to us. Nobody knows what he has said is credible for nobody had been there, and those who did, avoided the spotlight. Also, after revealing the little 'secret' of his, he vanished, never to be seen or heard from again.

“Now, what we know about the doors has been written on the board in front. Don't worry if you do not understand the language, you will learn it soon, for it is imperative for casting certain spells. I shall translate for you today," he said.

Taking a deep breath, he recited:

"Those who break the sacred law,

Will grovel before the guarded gates.

Something important they will lose,

But tremendous power they will gain.

A secret to keep with final breath,

Otherwise suffer a face worse than death."

I gulped. Sacred law...Guarded gates...loss and power gained...face worse than death? What the hell was up with that? I looked Alexx in the eye and saw amusement there. Maybe he had expected this reaction once he told the class.

"Now, now, there is no reason to be so anxious and frightened. It's not like a bunch of teens like yourselves are going to go around breaking sacred laws, are you? I'm afraid if you do, we will have to report you to the headmaster!" he said, wagging a finger and winking. The class laughed lightly and the atmosphere lightened considerably.

"Sir, what are these 'sacred laws' referring to?" asked Sarah, raising her hand and chewing on the back of her...pencil?

"Well....." he drawled, scratching his head, before continuing, "There are a few laws that have to be followed by all alchemists, good or bad. I'm guessing that this little 'thing' probably refers to those laws, though I am not entirely sure.

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