Chapter 5

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Well, I probably exaggerated over the level of disgust I had when I walked into my room. Axel was right behind. He gave the room a glance and sighed.

"C'mon, Sam. Now that was a bit too over dramatic, don't you think? It's just shoes tossed on the ground and a shirt on the sofa."

I rolled my eyes at him. He, being a guy, just did not understand the issues a girl faces! That shirt was probably sweaty and now it was spreading its germs and stench onto the sofa. I mentally face-palmed myself. Giving off an exasperated sigh, I turned to face Axel.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow then, you still have to show me around after all," I said, with a faint grin playing on my lips.

Axel gave me a slight smile, "Good night! Don't let the bed bugs bite."

I laughed. Who still said such stuff? Chortling, I shut the door behind him and spun around. My eyes landed on that disgusting shirt again. I felt fury well up inside me and I decided to give my room-mate a piece of my mind. Taking big strides, I reached up to the other room and knocked hard, almost banging on the door. I didn’t have to wait for long.

A few seconds after the violence I inflicted on the door, the door was yanked inwards. I looked up and was about to give him a piece of my when my jaw dropped…

And it dropped hard.

The guy was Eros come to life. He had blond, sandy hair and sea blue eyes. His hair was wet and messed up as if he had just had a shower. He was wearing a loose t-shirt and some track pants. I could see his room too. It was similar to mine but he had added a few decorations of his choice too, like an electric guitar and a lava lamp. I totally forgot what I wanted to say to him.

Probably for the first time in my life, I was at a loss for words.

"Well, whadya want, pipsqueak? I want to go bed early. I don't have all night for you to just stand here and glare at me," he said, clearly annoyed.

My anger flared again, worse than before. Did I hear that right? Did this guy just call me pipsqueak? I was just a couple of inches shorter than him! I let out a disbelieving gasp.

"Hey! You did not just say that! Who the hell do you think you are, huh? You can’t just be so rude! You are such an annoying guy. What on earth did I do to become your room-mate?"

"You are my new room-mate?" he asks, arching his eyebrow up.

Some people just are dumb.

"Isn't it pretty obvious that I am your room-mate? What would I be doing here otherwise, genius?" I spat back at him.

"This year is gonna be so much fun," He said with a sly smile.

"No, it isn't. Not with you around. This is worse than my worst nightmare. By the way, you better get your stinky shirt off the couch and keep your shoes properly, otherwise I'm not gonna show them any mercy," I finished with a smug grin.

He looked at me, agape for a minute but then quickly regained his composure before answering with a sneer.

"I do what I like to do. Nobody has a control over me. Now, good night kiddo." That was all he said before slamming the door shut in my face.

The nerve! I'll get him back for that. Just wait and see. I walked inside my comparatively plain and drab room. I was so tired from today. I wanted to be well rested for my classes tomorrow. I quickly changed into my night clothes and fell on the bed. Sleep followed soon after.

I had the same horrible nightmare again. It always ended with me dying a horrible, painful death. This time, I died because I was electrocuted.

I shot up, sitting on the bed. I ran my hand through my tangled hair which had become slightly damp because of the sweat. I squinted at the watch at my bedside. 5:44 a.m. Too early. Class started at 9.

I got up. I did not want to sleep with that nightmare emblazoned in my mind. I grabbed a towel and walked into the bathroom and started filling up the tub with warm water. The sound of running water helped clear my brain. I always felt calmer near water, God alone knew why...

I submerged myself into the bath, towel under my head and soaked myself. I almost fell asleep again when I heard a thumping noise from the other side of the wall. My eyes shot open, heart rate accelerating. Then, a moment later, I realized the source of the disturbance. It was my snooty, narcissistic excuse of a room-mate.

I got out of the tub, my skin all wrinkly and warm. I pulled the drain and let the water flow. I put on a pair of black jeans and a white tank top, before heading to my room and grabbing my bag. I glanced at the bedside watch and let out a slight shriek. It was 7:30 a.m. already. I had fallen asleep in the bathtub. Snap. I quickly dashed out of my room to see him in the kitchen, toasting bread, shirtless. Oh my god, he did have a great torso.

Then I caught him smirking at me and all my wonder went flying out the window.

I returned a cold sneer as I walked past him to grab my shoes. Axel said he would be here by 7:30. Where the hell was he? I put on my heels and dashed out the door, not even glancing back at the handsome monstrosity that was cooking breakfast. 

Wait. Did I just call him handsome?

Yuck. I need to get a mental check-up done.

I walked towards Axel's room. Which room did he say it was? Snap. I forgot. Do I just wait for him in the hallway?

I started walking down the corridor, pondering about the classes I had that day. History, training, magical creatures, combat, chemistry... Wait! What!?

Did I just read combat?!

Did they expect us to fight here in school? And what the hell was 'magical creatures'? Were there animals that existed in the world that remained hidden from view of mortal eyes? The thought creeped me out. I hadn't realized that I had zoned out until I crashed into someone.

"You know you should really look where you are walking, Sam. Some people might not like it."

I looked up and Axel's friendly eyes met mine. I heaved a sigh of relief.

"Where were you? You were supposed to come to my room 15 minutes ago!" I scolded him, punching him lightly on the chest.

He scowled. “That hurts, you know," he said, rubbing the spot where I punched him. Then he grinned, grabbed my wrist and dragged me down to the ground floor.

"History is that way," he said, before dashing away.

Damn. I still had not eaten any breakfast. I guess I did not have much choice. I practically zombie-walked my way to class to save energy. I entered the door and saw Sarah sitting behind, waving at me enthusiastically.

I smiled back to her, giving her a slight wave. I grabbed a seat next to her just as our teacher came in.

He seemed to be a middle-aged man with balding hair and a bushy moustache. He ordered us to settle down and he began his lecture. The next few words he said really caught my attention.

"Welcome everyone. My name is Alexx Richards. Please call me Alexx. Well! This is the first year and the first class that you lot have at Philosopher's academy, so how about we make it a little interesting and lively today? Just for today though!" he grinned cheekily, as a low laughter ensued from the students.

"So then," he asked, his eyes sparkling. "How many of you know about, or have been really unlucky to see, The Doors of Truth?”



A.N. : I know this might be a boring chapter but please bear with me. I promise there will be some action in the next chapter :P Please vote and leave comments...i would love to hear what you guyz think. Thanks to RemainingNeutral. You know why :P

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