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The next day couldn't come soon enough. Stan stared at his ceiling. His mind raced with thoughts about Kyle. All he could think about was finally sitting next to Kyle again after so many years. He wondered if Kyle was feeling the same way.

His thoughts were interrupted by his alarm going off. He instantly sat up and shut it off. Hopping straight out of bed, he took a turn for the bathroom and began his day. Once fully showered and presentable, Stan didn't even stop for breakfast before heading for the bus stop.

In the distance he could see Kyle standing alone. That only made Stan begin to run towards him.

"Hey Stan," Kyle said with a warm smile.

Stan's heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest. A blush erupted over his face. "H-Hey dude..."

The boys stood in an awkward silence before Stan couldn't help but gush, "Do you want to eat breakfast at the school? I skipped breakfast at home."

Kyle briefly looked uncomfortable. "Um... I'm sorry Stan. My mom already made me breakfast."

"No, No! That's okay. I'll just eat by myself," Stan said. He couldn't visibly or audibly hide his disappointment as he looked down at the ground with a sigh.

A gentle hand started rubbing on his back. Stan looked over to Kyle. Kyle gave Stan a warm smile and a quick hug. "I can sit with you though."

The sound of feet dragging brought the two of them out of their own world. They looked up to see Kenny and Cartman approaching the bus stop. Cartman seemed to be rambling to Kenny about something. Stan could tell by the way Kenny looked that it was a conspiracy. His eyes rolled back down from the back of his head and met Stan's. Kenny grinned when he saw Kyle standing next to Stan.

"Hey! I haven't seen you two stand by each other in a long time," Kenny greeted.

"Yeah, what the hell? You guys finally made up?" Cartman wondered.

"Yeah, we made up. Things are all good now," Kyle stated.

"Well that sucks. I really enjoyed spending little to no time with this stupid J—"

"Cartman. Shut the fuck up," Stan interjected.

All three boys looked at Stan in shock. Even Stan himself was shocked at what came out of his mouth. The sound of the bus rounding the corner snapped everyone out of their disbelief.

Cartman let out an awkward cough. "Um... okay then. Homo," Cartman snickered.

The boys entered the bus and took their seats. Stan and Kyle sat near the front of the bus while Cartman and Kenny went farther back. Kyle sat on the outside while Stan sat at the window.

"You couldn't have made it any more obvious..." Kyle groaned with his face planted in his hands. His face was glowing red from embarrassment and endearment.

"I'm sorry. I didn't even realize I had said it until it came out of my mouth. I guess I'm just... feeling protective over you," Stan apologized. He leaned towards Kyle's ear and whispered, "You're sure I can't hug you right now...?"

Kyle was radiating heat. His face was as red as a dragonfruit. "Stan...!" he fiercely whispered.

Stan had to bite his lip. He was having a hard time holding himself back. He was dying to give this boy some affection. Instead, he placed his hand on Kyle's thigh and tried changing the subject.

"So we're sitting next to each other for breakfast and lunch?"

Kyle fanned at himself in an attempt to calm down. His face still glowed red. "Y-Yes. Just don't try anything funny," Kyle snapped.

A genuine laugh escaped Stan's lips. "Okay, okay. I won't," Stan promised.


The two boys talked the rest of the way to the school. They talk about how school is ending in a few months, and how they both want to spend the rest of the year doing fun things after school. Stan felt immense excitement. He could tell that Kyle was feeling the same way.

'Maybe we can be together once school ends,' Stan fantasized.

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