Chapter 2

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I suck at keeping track of time, one minute it was march the next its the middle of may. I'm sorry it took so long. I got into Dan and Phil and been on my other account writing other fanfics. I'm very sorry it took so long.

Mind my spelling, wording, and ideas. It has been a while since I wrote and Rebels fanfics.


Its a short chapter because I started it today and I wanted to get it out to day

But your going to love it


It was half an hour till midnight and Lucy was traveling quietly through the dim lighted ghost. She made her way down the ladder to the hanger bay. Everyone had fallen asleep early for the mission on Endor tomorrow. Everyone expect Lucy. The ramp opened causing a gust of fresh air to hit Lucy's face. She stood for a moment or two before heading out in the cold Lothal plains. She head off in the direction of Capital City where Ezra's tower stood on the outskirts. She had made it over the first hill before she stopped.

"Hera is probably going to be very angry if she found out I was out here." She told her self. "Maybe I should go back." She paused. "No, I'm old enough to not listen to her. Shes not even my mom."

She continue on her way, humming quietly to herself. Eventual she made it to the cell tower Ezra had once called home. Without wasting moment she ran inside and found herself standing at the edge on the balcony.

"I wish Ezra was here." She sigh and looked over the city.

The lights from the houses and streets lit up the land around them as the stars twinkled above. Lucy's head jerked up as her body tensed up. A sudden wave of nervousness washed over her. She had the feeling she was being watched.

She turned around, her back facing the rail. "Who is there?" She called out. "I know....." She was cut off by the sound of clanking metal. She let out a squeak.

She stood still listening. Hearing movement her head whipped around to face the open door of the tower. She gulped as she placed one front in front of her making her way the door.

"Is anyone in here." She asked.

She he peeked through looking into the pitch dark room. Everything was still and quiet. Before she turned away she saw a figure move from one side to the other. Fearing for her life she quickly took out the blaster she had brought with her. She held the blaster in front of her as she made her way inside the room. Lucy, keeping an eye on the figure, made her way it to the light switch. She quickly flipped the light on. The figure jumped by the sudden brightness causing Lucy to grip her blaster tighter.

"Who are you?" She asked trying to sound confidant, but failing.

As she held her blaster the figure tooka step closer. "Stay where you are!" She shouted, her hands shaking in fear.

Instead of listening the figure took another step closer. The another before stopping. The figure lifted their hands to their hood. Lucy was struggling to breathe afraid to scream. The figure slowly pulled back their hood. Lucy's breath hitched as she tightly shut her eyes. There was a deafening silence before the figure spoke.


Hearing the voice Lucy snapped open her eyes. She looked at the figure. She froze, her mouth gaping as she struggled to speak. Tears suddenly leaked from her eyes. She continued to stare at the figure.



I'm so horrible aren't I

Please dont kill me or yell or swear, that would be nice.

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