Chapter 3

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So, probable taking it off hold since I know where I'm going with the story now. To be honest it was never going to go this way but I love it better then the original plan.

So again short just wrote this in like 55 minutes after reading a comment and realizing it's been long enough.

Hope you like it and please comment. It makes me keep going because I feel happy that someone enjoys my writing.

Til next time. :)
Lucy woke up in a snap. Sweat drippled from her forehead, as her breathing soften. It was all a dream. Tears started to form. If only he really was alive.

"It felt so real..." She choked out through her sobs.

She was suddenly wrapped in a pair of comforting arms. Lucy let out a quiet gasp. Looking up, her gaze meet Hera.

"It okay, Lucy." Her voice soothing her. "Everything is going to be fine."

"I'm sorry for waking you." Lucy sniffed.

Hera rubbed her back. "It's fine. Here, lay back down."

She guided Lucy's body to the soft bedding. The young girl let out a soft yawn as she closed her eyes. Soon after quiet sores started.

Hera smiled. "Goodnight, sweatheart."


"Good morning Hera." Kanan entered the kitchen. "How's Lucy?"

Hera sighed, her back still to Kanan. "She had another break down. I think another nightmare caused it this time."

Giving a huh sound, Kanan sat down at th he small table. Silence grew between them before a loud thump came from Hera. She had set down a cup with great force. She trusted her self around to face Kanan.

"I don't know what to do?!" The corner of her eyes glistened. "She can't keep going through this. It's hard as it is after losing him. It's only a matter of time before....before...." Her voice trailed of as tears erupted from her eyes.

Wasting no time, Kanan stood up and hugged Hera.

"Don't say that, everything's only going to get better from now on I promise." Kanan calmly said. "We'll all get though this. We just need to focus on the big picture. Everything will be fine."

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