sasukes day

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Sasuke bolted into minatas room causing her to fall off her bed.
"Sasuke what are you doing its so early "
"You said we could spend the day together !"
He said excitedly and itachi leaned on the door frame chuckling ever so slightly
"Sasuke let your sister get up and get ready meet her down stairs breakfast is ready "
Sasuke ran down the stairs and minata sat up rubbing her eyes slightly. As she looks over itachi had a more serious expression
"Mina whats with you and shisui "
She was shocked at his question
"N.nothing I swear ! We are just friends "
"Hm just checking "
With that he left and she got ready in her normal atire which consisted of a black crop top with the clans symbol on the back, black shorts with black ninja sandals that came I'm to her thighs .
As she entered there dining room and kneeled at the table
"Good morning father, good morning mother "
He mother smiled softly
"Good morning minata"
Her father didn't reply to her only looked up before looking back down at his paper.
Itachi shot her a sympathetic look but she shook it off
Her father never really liked her .. She was the same as itachi maybe even slightly better but he never excepted it .
She stood and sighed looking away slightly to hide her emotions before smiling at sasuke
"Ready short stuff?"
He glared lightly before jumping up
"Of course come on ! "
They walked out and he got on her back.

"Hey nee~san can I ask you a question "
"Alright shoot sasuke "
"Does shisui like you?"
She looked over her shoulder stunned and went to reply when he stopped her .
"I saw him kiss your forehead "
She froze
"Sasuke I..I don't know. I.." She was stopped again by a familer voice behind her

"Yo minata remember I said I'd tag along "
Shisui approached them and walked beside them casually .
"Good morning shisui "
He smiled at her slightly and responded the same when sasuke looked at them puzzled.
They stopped at the training field and she showed assume a few things with his shurikans and kuneis before standing back and watching him.

Something caught the corner of her eye and she turned slightly to see shisui staring at her .
"Umm.. Shisui what are you looking at "
She shifted slightly uncomfortably.
"Hmm just looking at you ..I..umm "
He lost his words and his cheeks heated up slightly, she pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear and turned her face , before sasuke or came over panting .
"Nee~san I did it ! "
She looks over and he landed 3 of the targets and she smiled proudly.
(Shisuis POV)
Why ? She was so captivating ... Everything about her drew me closer.
I watched her lean down smiling proudly at sasuke before poking his forehead the same as itachi does hers.
"Good job sasuke , come on let's try something new"
Her giggle after her sentence was like music to my ears , it was soft , sweet and gentle. Could fool any one fighting her ...

(3rd person )
She rose and put a blind fold on her eyes
"Now this will teach you to avoid using your eyes and not to depend on sight , shisui pick place and attack me "
Sasuke looked surprised and slightly startled before shisui did as told .
He threw several kuneis in her direction from multiple places and she deflected them all effortlessly , and she threw one right next to his face hitting a tree next to him.
Sasuke stared amazed and she took her blind fold off
"You never fail to impress me minata "
Shisui said with a smile , she smiled back and put the blind fold in sasuke , and used rocks with him after the sun started falling .
She removed sasukes blind fold and wiped his sweat away
"We'll try again another day "
He nodded and looked tired so Shisui lifted him onto his back he soon fell asleep
"Shisui .."
"About yesterday ..I"
She couldn't find the words , Shisui took her hand and held onto it walking her home , on the porch she took sasuke onto her back and look up at him.
"Minata .. I ..I think I_" he went to finish when itachi came out .
"Minata you know it worries me when you're out this late , thank you for walking her home Shisui see you tomorrow "
Shisui rubbed the back of his head and nodded with a smile before minata took sasuke and tucked him into bed and headed for her own.
Plopping down she stared at her ceiling ,sighing and falling asleep .

Itachis Twin , Shisuis Lover?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat