years later

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No.. No please .. SHISUI !
I sat up quickly , cold sweat on my skin , the same dream over and over again .. I pulled my knees to my chest and quietly sobbed .
I felt someone hug me , when I looked over it was sasuke and I pulled him close and began crying louder .
"Minata it was only a dream "
He tried to comfort me .. How sad my kid brother trying to comfort me , he was about to participate in the chunin exams . my only goal was to keep him safe ..
"The sad part is .. Its not a dream I keep reliving reality "
I looked at him and kissed his forehead ,my tears hitting his cheeks .
He froze and just let me hold him close
"I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe sasuke .. You're all I have left "
" you don't need to worry about me mina.."
I cut him off and smiled at him ,tears still in my eyes
"I'm sorry I woke you , your first part of your exam tomorrow , go get some rest alright "
I sniffled and he nodded slowly before exiting. I didn't want to keep him up ..
"Get yourself together minata ,no more tears , it only makes you look weak "
I went to my roof and looked over the town when I felt someone behind me and I threw a kunei

Kakashis POV
I caught her kunei , barely ..
"You of all people should know better then to sneak up on someone "
I shrugged and placed a hand on her shoulder , I could tell she's been crying
"Minata wh.."
"No , I dont need sympathy , I had a nightmare that's all "
I stayed quiet and looked at her closely , she never smiled around anyone anymore ..
Its sad , she was always so cheery and caring , now just cold hearted and stern .
"Shouldnt you be resting , my brothers exams are tomorrow "
She shot me a glare that sent a shiver down my spine
"Don't you dare even think on being late this time hatake"
I merely nodded
*sigh * I let a women scare me this much , well she was not only beautiful ,she was powerful , she had something everyone envied and feared. Tsunade acted as a mother figure to her after everything and I feel as if she knows .. But she won't say
I soon left

(Minatas pov)
I waited until he left and teleported to the lake , I remember watching sasuke learn the fireball jutsu here .. I smiled faintly at that thought and touched the water .
My hand got stuck? Whats going on ?!
I tucked at it until I broke out of it .
I froze as a kunei whizzed passed my face .
"How dare you come at a time like this "
"My apologies mina."
"Don't call me that itachi , you think I'm a mere idiot "
I turned and faced him
"Tell me what I need to know, I already know bits and pieces ! Stop hiding it from Me like I'm a child !"
He sighed and went to grab me but I moved to his supirise
"Your genjutsus won't work on me "
I glared harshly at him and activated my eyes , he stared blankly
"So she's the one eh ? Looks like you had a soft spot for your sister itachi "
"Kisame do me a favor and shut up "

Itachis POV
Her sharingan wasn't any ordinary sharingan had the light shade of purple like the byakugan , taking she had a hybrid of the two . I knew she should have known this but she tried to hide it .
"Tell me now itachi , or I'll kill your pet then you "
She said it so coldly .. It broke me inside to see how much my sister has changed , but I wouldn't show her that it did
"Guess you'll have to die trying , how pathetic "
With that I saw her anger rage , and she shot at me and kisame

To be continued...

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