sasukes chunin exams

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It was around 10am when I walked to the testing area with team 7 , sasuke was quite as per usual, sakura was flabbering over him and arguing with naruto. I waited for awhile and ruffled sasuke hair. I giggled after he smacked my hand away
"Knock it off minata "
"Alright alright my apologies "
We arrived at the testing area for the written test and I stopped watching them go in
"Good luck !"
"Don't need luck "
He said cockily and looked over his shoulder at me with a smirk.
They closed the door and I sighed, leaning against the wall with my arms crossed. I tilted my head up when I sensed someone near me.
"Well isnt it sad, I'm not there sensei and I'm on time and you are but again you're late "
He rubbed the back of his head
"I seemed to have go.." I cut him off
"Don't use that crap with me " I said irritatedly
"Don't let it happen again kakashi "

He knodded and stayed quiet for awhile, then looked over at me again
"Why don't me and you go sit by the lake and have Lunch "

"I don't like that this sounds like a date "

"Its not just hanging out "
He said calmly, I pondered then nodded
"Fine "
I said sighing and walked next to him .
I soon caught on to which lake he was taking me to.. it was the old uchiha compounds lake. I immediately stopped dead in my tracks.

"Kakashi where are we going "
"To the lake " he said shrugging
"No, why this one" I was begining to become irritated
"I thought it would just be nice "

I was at a loss for words, he cut through the old training field me, Itachi and Shisui would train at. I felt my body lock into place, my heart rate quicken, and my mind went completely blank. The sight of the cliff... it was feet in front of me. I didn't realize I was shaking untill I felt someone pull me closer. Wait?

"You can't dwell on the past forever it's un healthy , it'll create a weakspot that anyone can take advantage of "
I nodded slowly... he was right, I never like to admit I'm wrong but in this case I really was.
I looked up at him
."I suppose your right in a way "
he nodded and let go
"Want to be alone? "
I nodded and as he left I went to the gravesight of my parents, and went a little ways over to Shisuis and fell to my knees in front of it.

My hand grazed the stone and over his name, I let a few tears hit the ground and leaned my for head on the stone. And before I knew it I was sobbing quietly.
"I just want you back...God look at me I'm a wreck, you'd think I'd be fine, and move past this but God damnit I can't "
My voice cracked at the end, I felt vulnerable and weak.
I stood and kissed the top of the stone wishing it was him instead.
"Tell my mom and dad I said hey alright "
I smiled sadly at the stone, and let my hand rest on it.
I heard a twig snap and I pulled out a kunei

"Who is it "
This presence felt faintly familier , I threw the kunei in their direction but I never heard it hit

"Minata.. "
I immediately felt my heart aching .. and the tears began flowing again. Am i loosing my mind at this point...

"I s-said who is it "
I tried to say it seriously but my voice fell weak, Ifor once I could say I was afraid.. terrified even to turn around and face reality or whatever sick game someone was playing.

"Why don't you turn around.. please don't cry"
I slowly turned and my knees weakened

" what kind of sick game Is this! Because I'm not finding it funny! "
I screamed at him... was it really him... he looked more doll like in a way? His eyes we're black and only his sharingan was seen.

"I.. "
I couldnt take it I tugged at my hair
"Stop it ok! I.. I "
I bit my lip and cried silently when I felt someone pull my head to their chest

"I'm sorry for all the pain ...but please princess stop crying..."

I froze... that's when it clicked... I was at a loss for words when I looked up at him, he was crying as well
My heart felt happy but them again it hurt still .

"I...I don't understand "

He traced my cheek with his hand and I leaned my face into his touch.. it felt so foreign yet comforting.

"Ill explain later alright"
He smiled slightly and I hiccuped ;nodding faintly

But he leaned closer, pulling my face to his
And before I new it he kissed me... I tensed up and it took me a moment to relax into the kiss.
"You're still pretty ya know "
I just shook my head and hugged him tightly

"I don't want you to leave agian ..."

.he tightened his grip and stayed quiet as if he we're thinking.
"I'll find away to make that happen, I promise "

(Sorry I have been really busy and I wanted to have this in quick, if you haven't caught on it's a reanimation jutsu taking place here )

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