somthing wrong

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I woke up quite early the next morning due go my anbu mission . I was the captain of my team and the mission we were on seemed more serious then others .
After my gear was on ,I kissed sasuke on the forehead and as I went to leave itachi caught my arm .
"Minata be careful alright , don't play hero"
I. Rolled my eyes at his comment
"Itachi I'm not a child I know what I have to due , see you soon "
I met with my team mates ryu , a girl about an inch taller then me with blonde hair green eyes , and sukia , about Shisui's age and had deep brown hair with matching eyes .
We headed out on the long journey but once we were a long way away from the village it all went down hill...
A kunei flew right past my head ,followed by many more .
"Get down now! "I ordered them quickly and activated my sharigan. But something was wrong , my right eye was acting up and I couldn't see straight .
I saw two figures fly at my team mates so I jumped in front , causing one to stab me in my arm . I hissed at the pain but fought them off to my ability .
"Sukia! Ryu ! Get out of here no.."
I stopped when I saw a man using a jutsu similler to kakashis chidori but not quite the same ? He aimed straight for ryu so out of reflex I got infront ...
It went straight through my stomach area and I coughed up blood.
"Minata ! "
My eyes started to close , I saw sukia drag Ryu away quickly getting out of there .then everything went black

(Back at the village )
~2 months later ~
Shisui looked just as worried as itachi , they were only supposed to be gone a week ! But 2 months ! . the door burst open
"minats thank go..."
Shisui stopped and saw ryu upset as well as sukia
Itachi lost it he slammed sukia against the wall
"Where is she "
"..we..we don't know .. I'm sorry it all happend so fa.."
Itachi tightened his grip before Shisui grabbed his arm.
"Itachi relax , were going to find her "
With that they left
(Shisui POV)
Why now ... Please he alright minata.. What if her eyes acted up again .. Dear god ..

(Minata POV)
How much time has passed .. Why don't they kill me already
I was chained by my ankles and wrists To a wall , I has cuts and bruises all over me .. Sweat dripping down my body .. The only clothes i had left were my bra and panties .
"Hmm so its true you have a fine set of eyes there "
I spat at the man talking and he hit me hard in my stomach causing me to throw up blood. I held in tears .. I wanted itachi .. I wanted Shisui . somebody please save me ..
He showed me a mirror , I was busted up pretty bad but my sharigan .. In my right eye instead of red it was purple .. Why?
He tried to touch my side so I jerked away and he cut my hip deeply causing me to cry out in pain .
"Oh don't black out again pretty , I hate hurting this pretty little face"
I struggled to stay awake ... I heard the door bust open..
"Minata! Itachi handle him while I get her!"
I couldn't see straight and I blacked out.

(Shisui POV)
She was horrible hurt, bloodied ,brusied , cut up ... Damnit ! She hung there lifelessly and I quickly got her down , and took my shirt off putting it on her .
"Shi..Shisui "
She has a tear run down her face and she looked weakily up at me .. Her sharigan ? Its purple ? You could see she kept fading in and out of consciousness .
When itachi finished we rushed her to the hospital as fast as possible.
I looked at itachi , you couldn't see it but I knew he was still angry . I knew I was ..

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