after finally knowing

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My mind was racing.  he told me everything I couldn't even bring myself to accept the fact it was true?!  I hadn't realized I was frozen in my place for a few minutes, until I heard the snapping of Shisuis fingers bring me back
"Oi Minata are you alright."
He said in a generally sympathetic tone, he tried to smile sadly but I saw the small tinge of guilt written in his expression.
"I'm fine..  just..just.lost in thought "
I didn't want to talk about it any further . Well for now atleast ..
"I need to go buy a few groceries so come on "
I said before he could get anything out and began walking.  He stayed rather quite at my side. 
"Minata, it's important you don't go telling sasuke "
I stopped and looked at him like he was a mad man
"Not tell him? Why in kamis name would I not!  Shisui this is my only chance at ending his whole vengeance mind set and keeping my brothers Alive .."
Oh her we go I felt the tears pricking my eyes at the thought alone
"I understand but this is how itachi has planned it alright ,it'll make more sense when the time comes.. just please "
I went to say something and balled my fist trying not to cry and walking in the store.

After I got groceries we headed back to my apartment.  I quickly started dinner,not soon after I heard sasuke walk In
'Hey buddy! How was your day "
I looked over at him and smiled
He only sighed
"Fine,the finals are in a few weeks "
He said before kneeling at the table.
I nodded
"Hm I knew you guys could do it "
I smile and I saw a small smile on his lips.
I soon finished dinner and we all sat at the table queitly. I  could feel the tension between them but why?  Was sasuke still that worried?

(Ill be posting more now guys !soo my apologies for the short chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2016 ⏰

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