More dumb moments.....

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21. Veronica Bravo is always the chick that messes up everything.

22. The only friends Trent Sierra has is The Collective and the main girl

23. When the author never mentions the main girl on her period. Has she been pregnant for a year or something?

24.When the author enters a polyvore link in every sentence. 

25. When the main girl gets hit by a car, but she's fine 'cause look! It's Will Singe

26. When hot guys go to your school

27. "My name is Will but you can call me batman"

28. When the main girl's dad has connection with The Collective so they stay in her room

29. Jayden has a large dick. - HOW DO YOU KNOW?

30. The main girl moves in with her uncle Ronan and falls in love with The Collective

31. When all the author talks about is Julian's eyes. - We don't give a fuck

32. When the author explains every single thing she does with no happiness. For example.

I had a shower

I brushed my teeth

I got my keys

I drove

I don't know where i'm going

33. When they play truth or dare and they always ends up kissing for who knows.... INFINTY AND BEYOND.

34. When you read:

i'm going to a concert.

I hate boybands but my friend is making me go with her. 'cause she has backstage passes.


they're together 

a baby comes

they're married


one chapter


35. "You can be my Batwoman" - NO BITCH. THEY'RE IS NO SUCH THING IS 'BATWOMAN'

36. When every main character begins with self harm

37. "I recognize those brown eyes from somewhere"

38. When the main girl gets raped multiple times but has no bruise what so ever

39. When you read: 

"AH!", I screamed 

40. When you get to a sad and depressing part but the author fails by mis-spelling a word. -.-


Lol did you enjoy that? 2 chaps in 1 day WOO! :D

-Elize xo

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