Hit me baby one more time!

239 9 2

41. *spills coffee* oops lets get married

42. When all Julian ever talks about is Justin Bieber

43. The main girl IS ALWAYS scared of horror movies.

44. "Me and Kat r lyk totes BFFS woo!"

45. The main girls parents randomly die. She crys for 3 seconds and BOOM. Lets have sex.

46. Will is always a man whore

47. When only exception is the only song Jayden knows -.-

48. When your titties are bigger then Wills.

49. The main girl eventually gets married under age.

50. When the main girl gets jealous of bromances a.k.a the prefect WAYDEN

51. The boys parents are the only parents you'll ever meet. Yours are too mainstream

52. "Oh hey I see you have my phone"
" yes I do"
"Ok lets fuck and get married"

53. When the girl says she's poor but then you read that she has a MacBook with a tumblr dash board and a Ferrari with lazer lights.

54. "I moaned so loudly" - dang girl... I bet china heard you

55. Trent. S has sex at the age of 16

56. When the number 56 doesn't have one.

57. No one ever takes the time to pee

58. Kit kats are all Trent eats

59. Jayden starting sex- last time I checked, he has problems talking to girls

60. The main girl learns how to play guitar in 50 seconds

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