the project

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Adrien's pov

After our teacher turned to another student I turned to Marinette. She had already sat to her seat, next by Alya.

"you're lucky I saved your butt, why were you late anyway?"

I didn't know why, but she looked at me in a strange way. She looked right in my eyes, without hesitating.

"oh... it's just that....i-I totally forgot my....bag! And I had to return back home to get her"

" that case.."

I was going to continue our little conversation but then our teacher got my attention.

" may I have your attention please!? Good. So for today I decided to give you a due team project. I have already made the team, Alya and Nino, Alix and Max, Chloe and"

"Chloe and Adrien of course !"

Chloe interrupted ruddy, when she screamed Chloe and Adrien I felt dizzy again. Teaming up with Chloe again will end up with me doing all the job and of course, her trying to get a picture with me or my signature. I didn't want to get through it again.

"Chloe and Sabrina! Adrien and Marinette, blah blah blah..."

Did she said Chloe and Sabrina!? She did ! but wait with who am I going to team up? Marinette? Hmm this would be interesting, at least I won't end up doing all the job, Marinette is very responsible, smart, honest, trustable, funny, cute..... now that I think about it I've never again been in a project with Marinette, or doing anything else with her. I only know her as my friend from school. Maybe it would be fun, to discover a new side of Marinette. The theme of our project was about cats. Just purrfect for me :3. I turned to Marinette and smiled at her.

"how about starting our project to the park? If that's fine with you Marinette"

"I'd love to, it's a date then"

A date? I liked the idea. I had been again at the park with her, but it didn't ended up after gamer attached us. When I grabbed her in my hug in order to get her somewhere safe, I felt a warm feeling. I guess it sounds stupid but I did felt that way. Am I starting having feelings for her? I guess it wouldn't be bad to fall for someone that I know, I mean I know ladybug, how kind and brave she is but except from what I see in our fights against hawkmoth I know nothing about her real self. Is she really same age as me? Her hair and eyes are dark blue or they change when she transforms ? has she a boyfriend ? I sure hope not for the last one.

"now that we have made the groups let's talk about the them every group will take. Alya and Nino you got the 'today's music ', Alix and Max you got 'sports and health', Adrien and Marinette you got 'fashion designs ', blah blah blah

Fashion designs huh? I guess it won't be a problem for Marinette she has a lot of talent, more than anyone I know to be exact. At least this time it would be a worth it project, not ljust like the other times I worked with chloe and she paid someone to do our project while she was flirting with me, this girl can't understand I don't see her the way she sees me.

"ok class, now that you all have your project's theme you're free to go, but remember to bring your results tomorrow, this project is very important for your grades this semester."

I picked up my bag and waited outside of class, Marinette. Nino also waited with me, Alya so they could start their project. When Marinette and Alya got out of the class they stopped in front of us. Nino was ready to talk but Alya grabbed his arm and they left together.

"well that was fast" I said looking at Nino leaving with Alya

I was left with Marinette, alone, just us. The hole situation was really akward. I found her looking at me and I looked away messing with my hair.

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