You have to fight it

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"papillon? I don't know if I want to keep doing this to her"
when I say that, I see a butterfly appearing and I see papillion.
"what you mean you don't want to keep doing this?! we had a deal!!!"
"I know but, if I keep doing it, she might not make it. I can feel her heart beats slowing down"
there's a little pause on his voice but then he talks again.
"what I only care for is to take her miraculous, you'll keep doing whatever I tell you, until I get what I want! "
when he finishes I feel a sharp pain in my head. I hate it, when he does that. then the pain goes away and the butterfly disappears from my eyes. I look at ladybug as she tries to came closer to chat noir. I'm really sorry, I didn't want any of these to happen.


"chat, please listen to me. we have to find the akuma, that attacked at our class "
I run after him as he leaves away.
"there's no we! it was always you!"
as I run after him, I stop as his words echo in my head. he stops and looks at me.
"it had always been only you"
his words are so week and painful. it breaks my heart knowing he has the worst image about me.
"but chat,...I could never do anything without you"
my words seem to angry him as his expretion changes and his claws reveal.
"you never needed my help! but I'll make sure you will"

Adrien/chat noir:

"explain me again what we're doing"
I say as my worry makes me forget everything.
"I'll try help you contact with ladybug with my powers. but I have to tell you that I'm new at all this and I haven't practise a lot, so it'll be very difficult and you'll have only a few seconds to help her."
I nob at her as I understand how important, is to use every second she can give me.
"but wait a second, what if she sees me as Adrien and realizes I'm chat noir?"
"don't worry about that, I'll make her see you as chat."
she finishes and walks closer to ladybug. I really hope it will work. she gets on her knees and touches ladybug's temples and closes her eyes.
"Zizi buzz on!"
Zizi flies inside Chloe's hair comp and makes her miraculous costume appear. her costume was a beautiful yellow and black costume like a bee's. pretty. I have to say, I prefer the new Chloe. she looks at me and signals me to come closer.
"touch her forehead with your right hand, and with your left touch yours, it will make it easier for me"
I do so and look at Chloe. she squeezes her eyes again and a blue light comes from her hands. at the moment, I'm feeling dizzy and my legs are trembling. good, it's working. I feel a slight pain, like shock and everything is white. am I in her mind? no,I have to hurry, there's no time for that. I look around and see ladybug. great! but when I run to her, I see that someone is attacking her. no, it can't's me!


"chat! why are you doing this!? what's gotten you!?"
I back up as he attackes me again with his stick. I defend my self with my yoyo but he throws me down and gets over me. his eyes so deadly and terrifying. he raises his hand.
"cataclysm!!! "
my eyes are wide open in shock. he's going to use his catastrophic power on me!!! I see as he throws his hand on me. I close my eyes and wait for my end. nothing? I open my eyes and see chat next to me. he seems worried.
"my lady, I don't have much time! you have to understand that everything you see here is fake! it's all inside your mind! just an illution the akuma is making! only you can help yourself! remember that love overcomes any power!"
I try to take his hand but then he disappears. then chat appears again and pushes me down.
"your boyfriend isn't here anymore to protect you, you're all mine now, my sweet bugaboo!"
he runs and jumps to me but I push him away with my legs. but he comes back again. how could I show him love when I can't even come near him without getting myself killed?. it reminds me of the time we faced dark Cupid. but that time he was running away from me. now he tries to kill me! maybe I can try something else. he attackes again. he attackes me with his stick and I grab it, bringing us face to face.
"chat do you love me?!"
"what the heck are you talking about?!,are you crazy?!"
"answer my question! have you ever loved me?! "
he pushes me with his stick and I fell down. he's on top of me.
"of course and I never did!"
"chat! look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me!!!"
he stays silent for a moment. it seems like I'm cracking him.
"......I-I don't love you!"
he quick moves his hands and grabs my earrings. he's ready to take them off! I don't have time! I grab his cheeks and press my lips on his. this whole thing seems a little too cliche to me, since I'm doing it again. and guess what, he won't even know it, at least the real chat. I feel him kissing me back. his hands still holding my earrings. I move my hands to his to take them away from my miraculous but then he disappears. this whole thing has gotten really strange. I reach for my earrings but they're not on my ears. I quick panic and jump on my feet, looking around for my miraculous. I don't see them anywhere!!! I run searching for them. I feel my legs on fire and I fight not to give up. I can't hold on anymore. I fall down and lose my senses.
* * * * *
"she's waking up"
I hear voices echoing in my head.
"oh my gosh, I can't believe it"
Chat? I hear chat's voice. I try to open my eyes. when I open them I see Adrien and Chloe next to me. where's chat? I thought I heard his voice. wait! I move my hands and reach for my earrings. they aren't there!!! I quickly push my self up but Adrien gentle holds me and puts me back to bed.
"your earrings aren't here,..... he took them.....I'm sorry"
wait, he knows I'm ladybug? Chloe too?
"you know?"
Chloe looks at me. she has a different expretion on her. not the Chloe face I know.
"we know, but we won't tell anyone"
"but how you know?"
"well, I knew it at least for a week besides, we're like you"
when Chloe finishes two tiny creatures fly behind of them. I guess they're kwamis. but how? then it hits me.

Miraculous ladybug and Chat noir Where stories live. Discover now