Where It All Began

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¤ Lily's POV ¤

I wake up at exactly 7:30, just in time to hit the snooze button. I've never been a morning person , and never will be. I hear Petunia shout " I don't want to drive the freak to her freak train which brings her to her FREAK SCHOOL SO SHE CAN LEARN ABOUT FREAK STUFF". Wow . Rude much? I look around my room for something to wear. It's not like I can wear my tie-die pj's! Potter would though. Ugh, Potter . James arrogant , self- loving , entitled , snobby , handsome Potter. Wait, what? Handsome? Well he is , I guess. Ive just never thought of him in that light. I guess he is handsome. I mean ALL the girls at Hogwarts have crushes on him or Sirus. Wait, why am I thinking about Potter? Him and his little friends always bully Sev. That's it , I hate Potter. Even if he is very handsome.

While I'm thinking about this, Petunia shows up outside my bedroom door.
"Hey Freak , thinking about your boyfriend? " she says, placing her hands on her hips.
"No, I'm single, and why would you even ask that?" I question.
"Well firstly, you'll always be single Lily. Nobody what's to freak" she spat." And secondly, your blushing like mad"

And with that, my verbally abusive sister left the room.
I walked out of my cosy bed, walked over to close the door and got dressed in my usual "I'm getting on a really long train ride " attire. Ripped jeans, a Beatles t-Shirt and a wine hoodie. I'm in sixth year now , I stopped trying to impress people a long time ago.


After an excruciating car ride with my family, I ran onto platform 9 and 3/4. Mum and Dad waved me goodbye , handed a cardboard box , and procceded to tell me not to open it until I was on the train .

"Ok , bye Mum , bye Dad . Love you . I'll send you letters!" I called as they walked back out into the muggle world. As soon as I saw their backs swallowed by bricks I ripped open the mysterious package and examined it as I walked to the Hogwarts Express . It was a bunch of all the little things I lose : Hair ties, bobby pins , bookmarks and extra string for my violin . I laughed as I rooted though the box and I bumped into someone.
"Oh sorry , I wasn't looking where I was going"
"No , it's fine , I wasn't looking where I was going. " The stranger laughed. But the stranger no longer remained a stranger as when Lily heard the voice, she was 100% sure who it was: Potter.
"Hi there Lily"

And that's the end. And I also forgot to introduce myself. I'm Sinéad. Wassup.I'm 12 and Jily I'd my opt. That's it really . Ok byee ( btw Lily plays the violin and James plays the piano , I saw it in a  and thought it was cute af

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