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《James' pov》
April 27th
My vision begins to blur as I read Minnies letter. It couldn't be. They couldn't be ...dead. I look over to Sirus and he reads the letter.

Dear Sirus and James

Regretfully, James Potter's parents were attacked by death-eaters. They died in St.Mungo's Hospital. You both, and one person of your choosing are allowed to skip 3 days of school to grieve. On behalf of all the staff  of Hogwarts,  we offer our most sincere condolences.

Minivera McGonagall
Head of Gryffindor

I obviously choose Lily. We've been getting along great lately. The whole school seems to think we are dating anyway. I think Sirus picked Remus. Their gone. Both of them.
By him.
Lord Voldemort.
I shall get my revenge.
Woah I'm talking like a Slytherin.
He will never take another Potter's life.

☆Sirus' pov☆
They can't be ......gone. They just can't . They took me in, when my "family" disowned my at 11. They took care of me. Even asked if I wanted to be adopted into their family. They can't be.

/1 day later\

~3rd person view~
James and Sirus grieve in very different ways. James went into temporary  solitude, running up to the Astonomy Tower. Sirus on the other hand, took comfort in other people's company. Lily found James on the rail of the Astonomy Tower, looking out to the view.
"JAMES NO" Lily screamed.
"Calm down Lily, MERLIN, I'm not going to jump" He said , climbing off the railing. "That's the best spot to see the view ok?"
"James you scared me "
"Lily c'mere for a second."
"Look at the view"
"It's stunning"
"My dad said that when things got complicated, wheater it was transfigureation or my mom, he would come up here and look at the view, to clear his head."
"Does it work?"
"Yes, surprisingly" James laughed.
James was being his regular self now. Lily smiled. Good things are on the horizon.
Did she really put a pun in a chapter where someone dies? Yes,yes she did.😂😂

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