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¤Lily's pov¤
It just had to be Potter didn't it. "Hello Potter" I spat at coldly.
"Ok Evans, you know what? I'm sick of this" he says , flapping his arms around." Let's just agree to be civil to each other ok?" James said, raising his eyebrows in a questiong ( idk how to spell it) manner. " Fine" I sigh.
He smiled. Oh that cute little grin. Wait, WHAT? OH MY MERLIN I NEED TO GO NOW. "Oh look, Marlene is here, ok bye Potter." I excuse. James Potter. James bloody Potter.

《James's pov》

Merlin, Lily wants to be civil towards me. THIS IS GREAT NEWS. Well , sort of . She just agreed to be civil. But that can lead to other things. Padfoot crashes into me as I walk and think towards the Hogwarts Express. "Prongs, mate, we're you just talking to Evans?"
"Yeah, she agreed to be civil with me"
"Well that's a lot better than her hating you like last year."
"Yeah I kn-"
"REMUS , PETER , LADS HOW WAS SUMMER?!?" Sirus inturupts. Rude much? I laugh as Sirus sprints towards the other 2/4 if maurders. I must thank Remus, he probably said a word or two to Lily during rounds. It pays to have a prefect as a friend sometimes. Ahh, lovely Lily Evans.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while . BUT OMG I HAVE READERS THANK YOU SO MUCH 💚💛💜💙❤ Just threw together a short chapter.

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