Lily's Laugh

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《James' pov》
I go back to the abandoned classroom in the Astronomy Towed. I've beengoing there instead of dinner for 2 weeks now. Sirius is still bit sad, but he's doing fine. Me on the other hand. Well, I'm a wreck. My worst fear has came true. Me, having no family. Sirius is like my brother. But not officially.

When my patents asked of he wanted to be adopted, he said no, because he would be a burden to us. My mum and dad were resliliant though, but Sirius' parents didn't sigh the paper.

Did they hate him? Yes.

Would they let him have another shot at happiness with another family? No.

He was still my brother though. Officially or not.

Sirius. Maurders. Me. Lily.

"Why does it always come back to Lily? " I questioned myself.

"SHE DOSENT LIKE YOU BACK JAMES." I spoke out loud, positive no one would hear me.

"I need to let her go. I need to let her have other boyfriends. I need her live her own life. She needs to live her own life, and if it's without me? Fine. As long as she's happy." As soon as I uttered the last syllable of happy, I heard shuffiling outside the door.

"If you're Snape, come in and I'll hex you. If your one of the maurders, come in mate, what's up?" I said, quiye sure I had covered everyone that would want to see me.

"And what if your Lily?" answered the person at the door. Lily. Lily Evans, coming to see me after what? 3 years of her hating me? Wow.

"Umm, well, you can come in, if you want" I answered. Things got awkward fast.

Lily walked in the door.

"Hi there James. What's up?"

"Not much"

"Why weren't you at dinner today? Or the day before that or the day before that or the day before that or the da- well you understand. Tell me." The red-head blabbed.

"Well, I've been camping up here for a while to lay low. You know?"

"What about food? James, you have t-"

"Eat? The house elfs bring me food, Lily."

"Oh, alright then. Uh , James, why are you camping up here?"

"Well I guessed that some Slytherins would make jokes and stuff about me and Sirius, so I invited him to stay up hers woth me. He didn't want to."

Lily nodded.

"Um, ginge, did yo-"

"Don't call me ginge Potter" Lily laughed.

"Ok then, Lily, did you hear anything that I was saying before you came in?"

"About me being happy?"


"Are my thoughts true?"


"Well then"

"Well then"

Lily laughed again. I like to see her happy.

"Aww, c'mere ginge" I said pulling her into a hug.

"Your always going to call me ginge aren't you?" Lily said, hugging back.

"Yup" I answered, putting my chin on the top of her head.

Lily laughed. Merlin, I love her when she's happy.

¤Lily's pov¤
Merlin. I love James. Don't tell anyone I said that.

I feel like for everything I do, there's always someone who will be better at it then me. Greattttt. :/

"Evans And Potter Sitting In A Tree - A Jily Fanfic Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang