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《James' pov》
I grab the map and look for an isolated place. Ahh, an abandoned classroom in the Astomomy Tower on the 7the floor. Perfect. I need to be alone right now. I sacrifice the map for food and butterbeer.

When I reach the classroom, it's old and dusty. Nothing a spell can't fix. "Leiunium mundus hodie" and dirt vanishes. I find a warm place by the window, look out and think.

When's the funeral?
Do I have to organise it?
What about Sirus?
Whay if this is all just a nightmare?
Or a late April Fool's Day prank?
Maybe not.

My thoughts are inturupted as I see Lily has sat down and is looking at me with deep concern.

"You ok?"
"Not really"
My voice cracks. I look down then back up again, ruffiling my hand through my hair. Lily looks at my with her
green, soulful  eyes. I instinctively kiss her. WHY DID I DO THAT LILY IS GOING TO HATE ME MERLI-oh wait she's kissing back. MERLIN LILY EVANS IS KISSING ME. Lily break's away and stand's up. "Um ok, I was just checking in on you. Ok so, um , bye." And with that she leaves the scene of the kiss. Wow ok how do I process this BIG THING OF NEWS.

¤Lily's pov¤

Oh my merlin. James kissed me. He kised me. Oh merlin. Is this good or bad?? I need Marlene.

I sprint over to my dorm.

"MAR MAR MARLENE GUESS WHAT OH MY MERLIN" I scream, shacking my best friend. "Ok , what?" Marlene laughed. "James kissed me" I whispered. I don't want this blowing up. "No" she whispered back. I nodded. Marlene squealed. When did we become so girly? Me and Marlene were so badass, we would never squel over a boy. How did James Potter change me? How did James change Marlene??

Why hello there😄
Sorry I haven't updated in a while.
Stuff happened.
Hangin' with my friends tomoz


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