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《James' pov》
Just another freezing day at Hogwarts. The Maurders and I are walking back from the lake from a class with the slytherins. I see Snape. I give Sirus the code and he looks around for professors. "Nope" he mouthed to me. Perfect. "Why hello Snivellous , how are you today?"
"Potter" He said , through his teeth. Snape is bad news. " Whatcha doing there , Snape?" I said, popping the "p". "Homework , which you didn't do." Snivellous spat. "Nerd" Sirus mumbled. "Well , we're just hanging out. Why don't you hang......upside down?" I said , quickly muttering a jinx. "Let me down you blithering idiot" Snape demanded. "No" Peter chipped. I'm so glad he's been gaining some confidence lately. "Let..Me..Down" Snivellous repeated. Why does Lily even like him? How does Lily even ^tolerate^ him? Speaking of she comes. "JAMES!!! WHAT THE MERLIN?? LEAVE SEVERUS ALONE!" She roared. "You know what Lily Evans? You leave ME alone! I can fight me own battles, I don't need any help from a little mudblood." Snape spat. I don't think I've ever seen Lily so livid. "You know what James? Leave  him up there until his his head turns MAGENTA" She smiled , before storming off.

¤Lily's pov¤
I will NOT let Snape see me cry. I will NOT give him that satisfaction. I storm away. Snape , Snape . Serverous Snape. That hoe. Him and his little gang of purebloods. Ugh. I skip the rest of my classes and go to the hospital wing. I told Madam Pompfrey and she seemed ok with the idea that I could stake out here for a while. Not long after I check in, James and Snape walk in bruised and bloodied , with Remus between them.
"Lily?" James asked with confusion after the maurders left ( making sure Snape was in a different wing, that is) . "What are you doing here?"
"I could be asking you the same question James, did you get in a fight with Snape?"
"Yeah, nobody mess'es with my mates, you know? Him calling you a .... well you know. "
"Did James Potter just call me his mate?" I giggled . Wait I never giggle. What?
"Well you are"

A blossoming friendship

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