Chapter 10

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Joe's POV:

My talk with Sqaishey went great this morning; she asked if she could stay a week or two with us and we of course agreed. 

Her company is just amazing. She was so kind, I get so flustered even still when I am around her. Probably even more so than I did previously.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked her after we finished talking about random topics. 

After a while, she said, "This may sound silly, but is there a park nearby?" 

Smiling and nodding, she continued. "Could we all go there? I love being outdoors and it's such a lovely day out." 

"Great idea Sqaishey!" Squid said, coming back into the kitchen at the perfect time. "It is nice out! About time we all got some fresh air!"

We all stood up from our seating positions, going our separate ways to go and get ready. 

The entire time as I was getting dressed, I grew more apprehensive of the day ahead. I love that she is staying longer, but I must admit that I am nervous about it because being around her makes me feel ways I haven't ever felt with anyone. I think I really like her, but I definitely wouldn't want to do anything she wasn't comfortable with, especially since her breakup.

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