The life of sqampy: chapter 4

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Beth's POV:

I seen darkness. I tried screaming for help, but as I tried to lift my head, I hit it. Hard. I slowly looked up. There was a black slanted roof above me. I could hear honking and the gas petal vroom furiously.

Was I in the trunk of a car? I looked down my body to see myself tied up in rope, with duct tape over my mouth. Was I kidnapped? By who?! Wait! Where was stampy?!

I look around some more when I hear a soft whimper. I look beside me and see stampy! I gently tap his foot with mine, and he aroused.

He looked around wildly, and finally our eyes met. I tried talking, but it came out as a desperate mumble. Stampy looked around some more and seen a latch in the trunk. He indicated towards it with his head.

I lean back, trying to put my foot on it, but there was so little space in the trunk that the effort was worthless. I kicked it with all of my strength, but unfortunately I had none at the moment.

He tried to kick the stubborn lever as well, but all his attempts were in vain. I then felt s horrible sting in my left arm, and looking at it, it was slowly gushing out blood. Stampy looked at it and his eyes widened.

He then got a look of determination on his face as he kicked the right side of the car. What was he doing? Wait! I heard something smash! He broke the taillight! We could see through! I was determined enough to loosen a little in my tight tie up.

I finally managed to wiggle my arms free and I slowly unraveled the duct tape from my mouth. Once I finally got it off, I scooted over and untied stampy. Once we were both free, I gave him a hug.

His chin gently grazed my upper arm, which caused a horrid burn through out my entire body. I cried out.

"I'm sorry, sqaishey!" He exclaimed, sort of quietly. I nodded in acceptance and glanced out the broken taillight. I seen a gray Mercedes directly behind us, a red Toyota truck to our left and a white Honda Pilot to our right.

The others were too remote to see properly. I took a quick glance around the trunk and spotted a gallon of paint. Perfect. I pointed the paint out to stampy, who gave me a confused look.

Joe's POV:

"How is that any use?" I questioned, losing hope but the minute.

She simply ignored me and tried to pry open the paint can with her fingers, only succeeding in pinching her finger in between the lid and the can by accident.

She let out a sharp yelp. I scooted the paint can towards me and finally got it open successfully.

She gave it a satisfied look and slowly tipped the can out the taillight opening.

"If we pour out this out the taillight opening, hopefully someone will see and stop to help." She said to me, answering my earlier question. I nodded in understanding and helped her tip the rest of it out.

It ended up leaving a bright magenta color down the road in an almost straight line. She then stuck her hand out of the small gap and waved her right arm through it.

She started waving it like crazy. Hopefully someone would notice and help us. The car suddenly made a sharp left turn, which caused sqaishey to unbalance and fall over, her arm getting twisted.

I let out a wince as she cried out in pain.

"Ssh. Its ok." I held her close, being careful not to touch her lame arm.

I looked down at it. It looked fractured and dislocated. I found some old newspaper in the back of the trunk and started to gently wrap up sqaisheys injuries.

She winced in pain every time I spun it around her arm, but in no time at all I got it to where it was completely wrapped up. I slowly look out the taillight opening. It looked as if we were at a gas station.

Someone was following us in, though, and parked directly behind us. I seen a middle aged woman rush out of her car and investigate our situation.

"Please help us! We got kidnapped and we don't know what to do-"

"It will be ok." The woman said to sqaishey.

"Do you know who did this?" I shook my head.

She knitted her eyebrows together.

"Well, that guy, it is a guy by the way, just went into a store. So I have a bit of time to figure this out."

She looked thoughtful as she examined the trunk. I hope she knew what she was doing.

"Aha!" She exclaimed as she found a rod of metal.

"Um, what are you going to use that for?!" Sqaishey asked nervously.

"To get you out." She grunted and groaned as she tried placing the rod between the trunk crease and the floorboard.

"Oh no!" She exclaimed, "The guy is coming out. I want you to listen to me: I will follow you guys wherever he is going, ok? I will figure this out. I am a spy, by the way."

Sqaishey looks at her in amazement as she ran off to her own car, pretending to mind her own business.

"We just met a spy, stampy!" Sqaishey exclaimed to me, smiling for once.

"Amazing." I said as we pulled out the gas station and back onto the long, perilous road.

Beth's POV:

The woman kept her word, and tailed us the whole drive. As we pulled up to this entrance, the woman drove pass us.

When we got parked, I seen the car slowly parking in a vacant home across the street. Me and stampy pretended to be passed out as the guys opened the trunk.

"Them damn people." He muttered to himself as he observed the broken taillight, the pink paint drying a ring of paint on the car, and the ropes that were used to tie us up were all scattered and torn all over the place.

He hastily threw me over his shoulder and walked into the house. Stampy gave me an anxious look before the door closed behind us.

"Well, look what we have here!" A mans voice said.

I got threw down on the couch quite roughly.

Then I recognized the two individuals standing in front of me.

Melanie candy and Greg Williams.


Dun dun DUN! Sorry for yet another cliffhanger but yea I figured it would be interesting and whatever so yea again I apologize bye guys!!!!

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