Chapter 44

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Squid's POV:

I woke up, feeling depressed and confused. I talked to Sqaishey last night, but she kept denying it. She might have been right, but my feelings for her are increasing as the days go by...

But I loved Amy. How could I like my best friend's girlfriend? I already had the most perfect girl in the world.

But I am getting more and more attracted to Sqaishey. Maybe there is something wrong with me. I have seen her at times, and all I wanted to do was kiss her.

Last night, I wanted to, but I knew that would ruin our friendship as it is. I rolled off of my blanket and groggily stood up. Amy was snoring softly beside me. No sign of Stamps or sqaishey, though.

Wait! I am such an idiot! I didn't notice it, but when Sqaishey and I talked last night, he wasn't there either! That means he could have heard our whole conversation!

I sneaked down the hall and peeked into Stampy's room. I saw him with his back turned so he couldn't see me, and he had his hands in his hair.

"Stamps?" I stepped closer to him. He jerked around in alarm when he saw me.

"Oh, hey Squid! When did you wake up? How long have you been in here?" He rambled, putting on his glasses.

Something was definitely wrong.

"Um I just woke up, and I didn't see you in the living room, so I checked in here to see if you were in here," I said warily as he dropped.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked him. He sighed.

"Oh, you probably know. But I am not mad at you, just so you know." He said, looking at me with an exhausted face.

"What do you mean?" I said, playing dumb. "I know Squid. I know that you have developed feelings for Sqaishey."

Joe's POV:

"Wait! You know! How?" He stuttered as he fidgeted his hands in his hair.

"I heard you guys last night. I don't have to be mad at you guys. If you guys really like each other, then that's your problem." I said, feeling close to tears. I blinked them away rapidly.

"No, it's not like that-"

I interrupted him. "You guys obviously have this mutual understanding of it that I had no clue about, so have at it."

Tears streamed down my face then, but I angrily wiped them away.

"Stampy..." He trailed off, but I didn't feel like listening.

I was already out the door, not looking back. I got in my car and drove off, not a destination in mind.

Squid's POV:

"Stampy," I tried following behind him, but he was out the door before I could catch him.

"What's wrong with Stampy?!" Sqaishey quickly came from her room then, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She looked at me with an alarmed expression.

"He knows, Sqaishey." I trailed off, kicking my feet against the rug. It was never supposed to come across like this.

She looked at me in dismay. "No! It wasn't supposed to be like this!" Her distraught voice woke Amy up.

"What's wrong?" She yawned.

"Stampy is gone! He left because knowledge hurt him!" I said, close to tears.

"What knowledge?" Amy said warily. I took a breath.

"Amy, I do not mean anything I say in this story. Stampy took it the wrong way." I paused. She now looked scared.

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