the day is here

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It Monday and Dipper can go into labor any minute now. Wendy walks Dipper down the stairs easy now dude Wendy says calmly. When they got down the stairs Dipper got a big surprise. Mom,dad Dipper says in complete shock. Hi honey Dipper's mother says. You think we'd miss our own child's birth to our grandchild do you. Dipper's father responded.
*time skip 2 hours*
Ford, doctor jadison please help me! Dipper yells from his room. Ford, Dr. Jadison, and Dipper's parents run upstairs. It's okay Dipper Dr. Jadison says calmly. Ford heads downstairs and tells Stan to close the shack. Stan closed up the shack and ran outside to tell Wendy and Soos.
* back with Dipper*
It's okay Dipper nice deep breaths Dr. Jadison says. Like this hoo hoo his mom did as an example. Dipper copied his mom's example. Just like that baby his mom responds. Okay this will be a little uncomfortable but I'm gonna check your dilation okay here I go Dr. Jadison responded and Dipper cries out when she does. Okay your 7 cm I'll try to break your water to speed things up okay Dipper nice deep breaths Dr. Jadison asked as she started to break Dipper's water. Tears formed in the corner of Dipper's eyes and then a gush of liquid went all over the bed. Good boy Dr jadison responded. Stan rushed in with Wendy and Soos falling close behind. Dipper looked to see Wendy ,Soos, and Stan standing in the doorway with worry on their face. screamed as a contraction ripped through the young boys body. Dr Jadison says it's okay remember deep breaths and relax. As the contraction ripped through again. I'll check how much more now okay Dr. Jadison said and Dipper just jumped this time. Good news your right there so on your next contraction put your chin on your chest and give me a big push Dr. Jadison asked calmly. Okay Dipper responded and was taking deep breaths. Then another contraction hit him did as instructed. That's it Dipper come on 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Dr Jadison said. Dipper then let up . that's it honey we're all here for you. Dipper's mom responded. Mom it Burns Dipper said crying. I know kiddo it's just cause it's crowning. You're doing great Ford responded. Okay Dipper I want you to pant till the widest part passes so you don't tear. Dr Jadison asked smiling at Dipper. He just nodded and started panting. Good job little dude Soos responds. Not but a minute later the head pops out causing Dipper to yelp. Good boy Dipper Dr. Jadison responded. She gently held the babies head still. Then told Dipper okay I need a really good push Dr. Jadison ordered. Dipper then started to push as hard as he can. Crying out cause of the tearing pain. Good boy come on come on almost there push push Dr Jadison said quickly. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 everyone started counting. Then the room was filled with the sound of crying. It's human and a girl. Hear that Dipper. Ford said smiling. I have a little girl Dipper says shocked.

BillDip Miracleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें