Bill returns

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Dipper is sitting in the kitchen chair feeding little Leone. "Morning Dipper", Stan responded getting in the  fridge and pulled out a pit. " Hey Grunkle  Stan " Dipper said as he started burping Leone. She does a little squeak and Dipper just laughed. "Leone what was that little Missy" Dipper says laughing.  She gurgles in response. Ford comes out if the basement and walks over to Dipper "hey Dipper how's Leone."  Ruffling Leone's sweet blonde hair. Leone giggles at Fords touch. "She likes you great uncle Ford" Dipper says smiling sweetly at Leone.  "I guess she does" Ford says smiling. "How sweet" a familiar voice  says. Dipper looked over "Get out Bill" he yelled and held Leone close to his chest. " Calm down pine tree I just want to meet my
daughter " Bill responded. " Okay but don't touch her " Dipper responded with a death glare. " Fine" cypher responded rolling his eye. Dipper walked over to Cypher and stood leaning against him. Then he reveals small fragile body and Cypher's eye widened at the sight. "She's beautiful" Cypher responded. "I know right" Dipper responded with a big smile.  " Dipper I promise I won't hurt her please let me hold her" Cypher asked  while still looking at his Daughter.  "Okay just be very gentle she's not that old" Dipper said handing her over to the one eyed demon. Dipper hand's his daughter to Cypher and showed him how to hold her right. "Hi honey I'm not sure if you understand me but do you know who I am" He asked little Leone. She reached up at her father and giggled." That's right I'm your daddy " Cypher laughed. Dipper smiles " your such a cold hearted demon huh" Dipper says laughing.

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