daddy daughter time

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"Cold hearted demon huh" Dipper says laughing. Cypher looks over blushing "SHUT UP" he yells. Ford starts laughing at Bill's face " what's so funny 6 fingers" Cypher yelled and Leone started to cry " oh Leone I'm sorry honey" Cypher says wiping the tears from her eyes. "Hey Bill do you want to come with me to get Leone some more stuff" Dipper asks taking Leone from Bill. " Like what " he asks the smaller boy. " Clothes,Diapers, and Formula" Dipper responded. "Sure but do you think I should use my human form" Cypher asked. "I think you should" Dipper responded while getting the stroller out of the closet." Do you need some help " Bill asked while walking towards Dipper. "Almost got it" Dipper responded.
*Timeskip After they got the supply's *
"Dipper I've decided to help you raise our daughter" Cypher said smiling.

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