Chapter 4: Old friends

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"Hey Ino? Is it alright if I leave early tomorrow? Komiko and Taka are wanting to go on a family picnic." I said.
"Yeah thats fine." She's been really quiet lately. I wonder whats wrong. I set the last of the fresh roses in the holder and walked over to her.
"Ino, whats wrong? Usually your all 'bring it on world!' Now your less than enthusiastic. Come on, whats bothering you?"
She looked like she really didn't want to say anything, but just couldn't help it. "What exactly is your relashionship with Sasuke Uchiha?" Well thats new.
"He was my first friend here. Sasuke and I are close pals. Why? Did it seem like we were more?" I asked.
Ino sighed and patted my head.
"Na. I was just being over protective. Forget it."
I nodded my head and went back to work. I like my job. It's fairly easy and i'm making good money at twelve! How cool is that? When my shift ended I hung up my apron and took a short walk. Unfortunatly my walk turnned into a rescue mission. But it's a good thing I like kids.
Naruto went running down the street, three small kids by him, Sakura charging like a bull after them. One of them ran smack dab into a tall man. Hey, I know those markings. Na, it couldn't be. But... the girl behind him looks just like. My brain must be playing tricks on me. But still...
I watched the guy pick up the poor boy by the front of the shirt. Oh my God! I should really think of something to do. Um.... come on Jason, think think think! Wait, now I don't have to. Someone tossed a rock at the guy and made him drop the kid. I did a mad dash and caught him just before he hit the ground.
"Got ya." I said in a happy tone. Yeah the poor boy is petrefied and crying, but after a hug and a smile he seemed to calm down a little. I looked around to see who it was that had thrown the rock. And low and behold, There was my best friend standing in a tree looking a mixture of cocky and pissed.
"What kind of ninja are you? Picking on a little kid? Thats low."
"You wanna try saying that again down here little boy? If theres one thing I hate in this world it's cocky little punks like you."
Okay, that has to be him. No one else losses their cool that fast. I looked over at the girl standing behind him trying to get him to stop messing around.
"Psst. Hey Temari. Down here." I whispered. She looked down and gasped.
"Jason? Oh my God where have you been? Where's Megan? She's always with you."
I looked down saddly and took the bow from my headband and held it out to her. She took it and seemed to instantly know, getting down to hug me.
"Oh honey." She whispered.
But then something came to mind that instantly made me perk up. "Temari, where's-"
"Temari, Kankuro." A new voice said.
"Never mind."
"Your such a dissgrace to our village. Leave before I change my mind about killing you."
Gaara, same old same old. But I'm sure if he really is still the same I can get the lovable lug to admit he missed me. I punched Kankuro's arm the same way I used to. He looked down at me and grinned, giving me a noggie. I laughed out right and worked to swich our places. I sat on his shoulders and noggied him.
"Ah, come on man. Get off."
"No way. Not until you admit I win."
"Never!" I hugged his head and tickled under his chin. "Okay okay you win!"
"Yay!" I yelled getting down.
Naruto, Sakura, the little kids, and Sasuke were giving us really weird looks. Gaara had noticed me though. His face said don't care but his eyes screamed 'JASON!'
"Gaara! Either help me up or get down here! I missed you!" He let down a line of sand that I grabbed and alowed to pulled me up to the branch he was standing on. "Are you cranky today?" He looked me dead in the eye. "Yeah your cranky." I giggled and hugged him.
"I'm not cranky. And where's your sister?"
"Yeah I was wondering that same thing. Jason, are you hiding Megan from me?" Kankuro said. Temari to the rescue. She showed Kankuro the bow, and Gaara was able to see it too. Kankuro sat down and held his head. "No. Oh God no." You see, Kankuro and Megan had a sort of thing going on when we lived in Suna. They were both crushed when it was decided we were to be shipped out here to the fire nation.
"Weak." I heard Sasuke scoff.
"Sasuke." I called. He looked over and I shook my head. He seemed to get the message. I only moved my foot the slightest bit to turn around, but, clumsy me, I fell. I'm used to getting hurt, and falling off a tree might be the saddest thing i've gotten hurt for, but something tells me it's going to be the most painful. Or maybe not. I saw Sasuke out of the corner of my eye jump from the tree, arms outstretched, ready to catch me. He held me to his chest, but Gaara had had the same idea of catching me, but with his sand, so instead of us hitting the ground, we hit sand. It lowered us gently to the ground.
"I only did that to save Jason." Gaara said with a nasty glare to Sasuke.
"Thank you Gaara!" I called. He nodded and jumped down to leave with Temari and Kankuro. Temari handed back the bow before she left and I tied it to my headband again. It's so awsome to see them again.

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