Chapter 19: Sister

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The camp was small, but full of members of the redsamurai. They all laughed and smirked at me as I walked through with Tyvec. He lead me to a very small looking rounded room. The door was made of a harsh steel with prison bars close to the very top. Tyvec unlocked the door and pushed me in, quickly locking the door once again.

"Have fun with your sister." He laughed.

I looked to the very far corners of the small dark prison. There was a tiny shivering form squeezed into the space between the wall and the stone bench. I crawled over and put my hand on their shoulder. She poped her head up and met my eyes,turquoisetoturquoise.

"Jason?" She asked increadusly. Her hand reached out and touched my face. "What are you doing here? Why arn't you home?"

"Megan!" I wrapped my arms around her and never wanted to let go. "I thought you were dead!" I started sobbing lightly. "Home is gone Megan. It burnned. I was going after our friends. Gaara was hurt. And I couldn't catch up, and coyotes came after, and then Tyvec saved me, and then he told me you were still alive. Megan..." I cried a little harder. She petted my hair and hummed a song for me.

"Gaara was hurt?"

I sniffled and nodded. "I know right? Kinda hard to believe. But Sasuke was able to hurt his shoulder."

"Who's Sasuke?"

"My best-friend. He's been taking good care of me for the past two months. You'll love him, Megan. And Kankuro misses you so much. He cried. I took the bow from your shirt, and wore it on my headband. And he cried when he saw it because he thought you were dead just as I thought."
"Kankuro..." She said with a smile and a blush. The door to our little prison cell opened.
"Jason, come with me."The guysaid. Both Megan and I started crawling forward.
"Oh no you don't. Your Megan. I'm Jason. Your not possing for me again." I quickly got out and let the guy lead me to a tent in the very center of the camp. Tyvec and two other people sat inside waiting for me. Tyvec smiled and patted the area in front of him. I sat and got just a little scared.
"Now now Jason. This won't hurt. At least, not pysically." He activated his kekki genki. Oh no! He stared me in the eye and I was trapped. The thing about Tyvecs kekki genki is the that he can make a person have the most horrible nightmare and make it seem almost real.
In my dream I was standing in the middle of a feild fire. A form lay on the ground before me, coughing and dying. I leaned down and trunned him over to find it was Sasuke. He was bleeding horribly from a cut in his chest. He stared up at me like he was afraid. "Why?" He asked. It was then, that I saaw the blood on my hands and the long katana beside me. I had done this. With one last cough Sasuke died. And it was my fault. I had killed him. "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" I screamed coming out of the dream.
"All we want is for you to join us. Your power could very well helps us to over throw every kage and rule the four nations! If you say you'll join us, you won't have to see the dream again.
I was crying and shaking, but I managed to look him in the eye and say "I'd die before joining you."
He sighed and actived his kekki genki again. "I can do this all week Jason." After several hours of the metal tortcher, I finally got shooved back into the cell with Megan. She craddled me and sang song to help me. But this was the worst dream. Before it was a repeat of what I had seen when Mom and Dad died. Now it's my best-friend. Please. Help me. Sasuke help me!

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