Chapter 9: Afraid

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"Well it's down to 100degreestoday. Hopefully a full day in bed will take care of that." Sasuke put the thermomiter on the nightstand. "Feeling any better today?"

"Yes." I coughed slightly and smiled.

"Come on. I'll make us something to eat." He helped me up and told me to go sit on the couch. I turnned the TV on and searched for something good. Hey, Disney Channel's showing The Lion King 2! I clicked that on and smiled seeing that it had just came on.

Sasuke came in holding two bowls of chicken noodle soup and laughed. "The Lion King? Really?" He sat next to me and handed me a bowl.

"I love The Lion King. It's so cute." I took a bite of the yummy noodles and broth.

"I don't judge. I'm a Peter Pan guy myself." I just had to laugh at that one. When I was done with my bowl I set it down on the coffee table and snuggled up to Sasuke. For some reason, my heart raced and my face grew warm when the Upendie song played. Kiara and Kovu were together like that. And I was sitting with Sasuke. What is it that my body is trying to tell me?

This movie reminds me of Romeo and Juliet, but without all thesuicide. I always feel just a little sorry for Zira. She must have really cared about Scar to be like that.

When the movie was over, Suite Life on Deck came on. Funny show. Sasuke and I cuddled on the couch watching random Tv shows for most of the day. It was nice.

"Lets take your temperature and I'll order some pizza for dinner." Sasuke got up to retreve the thermometer from my room. He came back and handed to me while he dialed Antonio's Pizza. By the time he got off the phone with them the thermomiter beeped. "99, awsome. It's going down. Feeling better?"

"Yes I am. Thank you for taking care of me."

"Hey, you know i'm always here for you." We sat and watched a little more TV until the pizza came. Yum man. Antonio's is the freaking best. After we ate, Sasuke let me have the shower first. I made it short because I felt a little light headed after being sat down all day. And all of yesterday. Wow. Being sick really sucks.

I walked to my room holding atowel around me and told Sasuke he could have the shower. With one swift movment I dropped the towel and slid and over sized shirt on. Then I got a pair of underwear out of my drawer and slid them on. It got dark fast.

I knew of two things. The chunin exams were starting in three days, and that both Sasuke and Gaara were in them. I wasn't all that worried about Kankuro and Temari, mainly because I know they can contain themselves. But Gaara is such a loose wild fire. If he and Sasuke ever end up fighting, it could be murder.

I looked out the window and figured up some senerios when I might have to sacrefice my sane mind to save my friends. There were few. But I debated with myself if I really had it in me. If I was to afraid to die earlier to save my own sister, what makes me think I'll have the courage to give up my clear thinking?

Sasuke wrapped his arms around me, breaking my train of thought. He kissed my cheek and nuzzled his nose against my neck.

"You look like your thinking."

"I am. I'm just thinking about you taking the chunin exams in three days."

"Now why would you be thinking about that?"

"Because I worry about you. Those exams are dangerous. I just don't want you getting hurt is all."

He tightened his hold. "I'll be fine Jason. And if I do get hurt thats fine. I've been hurt before. But nothing is going to keep me from coming out of those exams to see you,smiling and sweet." That did give me some peace of mind.

We layed down together and covered up. Tomorrow Komiko and Taka are coming home. And hopefully I'll be better. Sleep came fast while I lay in Sasukes arms.

Theres so much I want to tell you...

I wish I could tell you... but i'm afraid.

Who's speaking?

You have done something to me...

Something no one else has ever been able to do...

Am I dreaming?

It's so obvious... so easy to figure out...

I love you... But I can't tell you...


I want to tell you...

Why am I afraid?...

"Why is he afraid? The real question is, why are you afraid?" That voice. It sounds like me. "You have the power to controle anyone. And your to afraid to use it? He's to afraid to tell you of love. Your to afraid to save a life. Looks like everyone's afraid something." That voice is to harsh to be mine. Unless... "Why can't you wake up and see the opportunities you have laying in front of you?" It is me. Just... insane me. She smiled a toothy sharp grin. "Now you get it. One year Jason. In one year, you become me."

My eyes shot open. I was still snuggled against Sasuke. Komiko stood by the bed with a camera in her hand, laughing at us. Sasuke yawned and sat up but freaked out when he saw Komiko. She just took another picture and told him to get out of the bed fast. Taka came in the room and smiled at us.

Sasuke got dressed in the bathroom and gave me hug good-bye. "Later today i'll come by to see you and make sure your doing better."

"You really don't have to, Sasuke."

"I know. But I worry about you too." My face got really warm and he turnned to leave. Inside I picked up Komiko's camera and looked through the pictures she took, stopping at the one that really made me feel happy inside.

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