Chapter 38: Reconection

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"Jesus Christ guys! We've been at it for a week! How long does it take to find one person?!" I yelled at my small team. Jason was lounging on the small couch behind me as I chewd out the guys.

"Hey man, we've been tryin. that last one got us pretty close. We have that lead for tomorrow, don't forget." Jugo complained.

"Thats true, but we need to make sure that tis is our last source and this time we find him and kill him." The team cheered and high-fived eachother. "Get some sleep everyone. we're up early tomorrow."

Karin groaned. "Come on man. We don't have to get up early to go kill your fucking brother."

"We're getting up early because we have to take Jason back to the band before we go to kill my fucking brother. Now goodnight."

They all mumbled nights as I turnned out the light and went to the seperate room with Jason.

"Your so nice to your team." Jason said sarcastically.

"Actually, believe or not, I am."

"Don't worry, I know." She smiled at me and teasingly let the thin strap of her night shirt fall. "Come to bed darling. It's so cold in here. I could really use your warm body right about now." Her vocie was huskey and very suductive. I smiled and slowly crawled over her and leaned down to kiss her passionetly.

As my hands romed her body she giggled and pulled me down closer. To every movment I made, every peice of clothing that our bodies, every kiss and touch, the insanity lingering in her eyes dissapered more and more. Was this going to be the end of her temporary insanity?

She tipped her head back and called out my name as a sweet afterglow came apon us both. And when I looked in her eyes when I laid down next to her, there was only Jason. My Jason. The Jason I feel in love with. I pulled her close and kissed her head.

"Sasuke?" She asked shyly.


"Will we ever return home?"

I had seen this question coming. "Of course. One day, we will go back to Konoha together, and raise Carmine together in a beautiful house on the Uchiha grounds. And when we finally get settled and you turn sixteen, I want to marry you. Make you Jason Lee Uchiha. My beautiful bride."

Jason lifted her head and smiled brightly. "Yes!" She Hugged me tightly and I kissed her head.

"Jason, I promise to make you the happiest bride in the world." She snuggled into me. "But get some rest. Diz told me he would murder me if u were even a second late tomorrow." And have no doubts he wouldnt do it.

(Okay, now that Jason isn't insane no more, we go back to Jason point of veiw. I hoped you all like the story so far.)

In the morning, I awoke with a warm feeling and a clear head. Im free. Jason Lee is no more. And Sasuke is all mine. He was still sleep next to me, his arms wrapped protectivally around me. The clock next to the bed said 6:30.

"Oh, come on Sasuke! Get up! Diz is going to be pissed!" We are sopposed to be meeting him, like, now!

"Wait what happened?" He looked at the clock. "Oh shit!" We got up but then I looked down and remembered my lack of clothing. With an eep, I jumpped back into the bed and covered up. Sasuke looked back at me.


I nodded.

"Fine." He dug in my bag and pulled out clothes for me I dressed under the blanket and crawled out. Sasuke was standing there with a look that could only say 'Really Jason? Really?'

"Sorry, i'm shy." I rubbed the back of my head and giggled. Sasuke smirked and held out his hand to me. I told him that I would coach him through his final fight with Itachi. This time, he's going down.

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