Chapter 21: Freak-out

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Megan and I stood in the door way of Jasons room as we watched Komiko tuck Jason in. She came to stand by us and spoak softly.
"She won't talk. What ever it is that guy made her see has scared to the point she refuses to speak." Komiko said. I looked down and heard Megan sigh.
"God damn it. Why did that jack ass have to find her? I wish I could go back in time and kill him all over again!" She hit the wall hard and walked down the hall.
"Megan, you need to calm down."
"What if I don't want to? I get very protective when it comes to Jason. She has always been the weaker one of us. Always more prone to crying. She can throw a punch, but she never wants to because she doesn't want to hurt even the worst of the worst!" She got right up into my face. "And just why are you so damn calm right now? You love her don't you?!"
That took me off a bit. I never really thought about it that way. True we kissed that night at the party-sad to admit it was my first- and I know I like her, but I have never even considered love. She's someone dear to me. Maybe I do love her.
I saw Megan calm down a little as she watched my expression as I thought about her twin. She sat down at the table in the kitchen and layed her head down. Komiko and Taka looked at eachother and nodded.
Taka put his hand on Megans shoulder and sat to talk to her.
"My husband and I are thinking about adopting Megan as well. It would be crule to split them apart now." I nodded but gasped when she took my hand. "Sasuke, your the only one I know who can truely get to Jason. Please help her."
"I'll do as I can Mrs. Suboshi. If you don't mind much, I can stay the night to comfort Jason as best I can. Get her to calm down and maybe have her speak again."
"Thats fine with me." She giggled lightly. "It's weird. A parent should never trust a boy to stay with her daughter all night. But theres just something that makes me trust you." She went into the kitchen to talk with Megan and Taka.
I went back down the hall to Jason's room. She hadn't fallen asleep yet. In fact, she was crying again. I crawled under the covers and pulled her into me.
"Jason, please don't cry anymore." She sniffled and turnned to snuggle into me more. It was just like the weekend she was sick. I think Megan was right. I do love Jason. I love her with my entire being, and will do anything make her feel safe again. I kissed her forehead and ran my fingers through her hair.
Jason's breathing evened as she fell asleep. Megan came in the room with Komiko a little later on.
"Does he spend the night often?" Megan asked.
"Not really. But we trust him to stay with her when we have to go out of town. Now, we have a spare bed in storage. We'll get that put in here soon and get you situated."
"Thanks Komiko."
The door closed and Megan sat at the edge of the bed.
"Why do you care for her?"
"The same reason you once cared for one Kankuro of the Desert."
"Ah, Kankuro. How I miss him." She was quiet after that. Jason moaned in her sleep and tightened her hold on me. After a while, she did it again, and again, until finally she was whimpering in her sleep. Megan moved like she was about ready to wake her up. A few more whimpers and she started screaming. Okay, now we wake her up. She screamed again and again even after she was awake. It took a good while to calm her down. Komiko and Taka were in the hall with Megan. She had stopped them from coming in so that they wouldn't ebed up freaking out from her freak out.
"Shh... it's okay. Jason, i'm right here. Don't be afraid." She was shaking against me. "It's okay. Your awake." Jason looked up at me with wide scared eyes. "Hey. you okay?"
She shook her head and cryed against me. Megan let Taka and Komiko in so they could see that Jason was alright. They calmmed down after seeing their youngest daughter safe and secure against me. What is it that she see's in those dreams that scares her so baddly?

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