Chapter 30: I Glow In The Dark

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Vote & Comment if you enjoyed! My fav song by Skillet o the right!

~ It's so tired, of trying to fight this. ~Comatose, I'll never wake up without an overdose of you. ~I don't want to sleep, I don't want to dream. ~Dead wrong, to ever doubt you.

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“David, wake up.”

The huge lump of Boss on the couch dug his nose into the leather, hugging the dark red blanket to his body. I groaned, crossing my arms over my chest.

So here’s the 411; the real story of that horrible Tuesday.

 I woke up bright and early with a giant smile on my face, determined, and rehearsed for my ‘I’m-quitting-you-son-of-a-bitch speech.’

I’m completely joking of course; I woke up at 6:00 in the morning, to the scariest nightmare I ever experienced.

I was in some kind of bright lit store food shopping with my mom. I must have been young because I could see the frilly parts of the bottom of my dress. A bang echoed the store, nailing me right in the stomach. I stayed silent in shock, trying to reach for the Teddy Bear that fell out of my hands. The shooter’s eyes looked confused as he looked down at me, almost as if he forgot why he was even there. The whole scene faded with a bright light.

The dream felt so real, that I woke up crying, clutching my angry stomach. After getting a large drink of water, and taking two Pepto Bismol tablets for my stomach ache, it disappeared. I crawled back into my cozy bed, and surprisingly fell into blissful sleep.

Only for about five minutes.

 Marcy started to scream at the top of her lungs that there was the biggest spider she had ever seen on the wall. You want to know what my first reaction was? The hooded guy was in my house trying to scare the living crap out of me. You can guess what happened next. Yeah, I fell off the freaking bed, planting head first into the unforgiving, extremely rock-hard floor.

I had a giant bruise on my forehead to prove it. I’ll get too that story later.

Not only did that scenario ruin my day, it scared me the whole morning. While I was brushing my teeth I found myself looking over my shoulder, to see if he was standing there. When I was peeing I skeptically stared at the ventilation system over the door. When I was eating my toast, I chewed forty times, taking a sip of water in between every bite. While I got dressed, I went into my closet with a flashlight, encase someone dressed in a giant black robe, and a scythe decided to pop out of nowhere saying ‘Hey Cupcake-Strawberry-Shortcake-Cream-On—damn! Nice rack!’

It was a shot in the dark, but I found it necessary. So after all of those events early in the morning, I finally started to get ready for work.

 This is when it gets real good.

I heavily applied makeup to the upper left side of my forehead where I fell on the floor. It still was obviously there, tinted a dark purple. Minutes later, I was in my room just minding my own business picking out which bra color I wanted, when I noticed a shadow over my bed. I must have let out the most blood-curdling, mind boggling, ear shattering scream I had ever made.

Guess who decided to hang his freaky black robe over my bed, this time to really scare the living crap out of me?

And finally, guess what Marcy said when I came out of my room all wide-eyed frommy little present.

“Faith, hold it. I just remembered something! The guy finally came to change the air conditioning yesterday morning! His name was…” She looked thoughtfully at the floor for his name. “Got it! His name was Dean! He said you and him were friends or something. Anyways, he told me he had some trouble coming here because of some car incident by our apartment, and he wanted to tell us that he would try and come another day. Can you believe that? All this time we’ve been waiting for the Air conditioner guy, and he gets in a car accident on the way here!”

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